我正在尝试将日期传递给计算一个人年龄的函数。但是,数据库中的日期是 Ymd 格式,我需要以“Ymd”格式传递它。我尝试过字符串连接,但失败了,可能是因为它只是使用减号(-)运算符来操作数字。请让我知道如何做同样的事情。
我在 $dob 变量中获取 DOB,并将其传递给 CalculateAge($dateofbirth) 函数
function CalculateAge($BirthDate)
// Put the year, month and day in separate variables
list($Year, $Month, $Day) = explode("-", $BirthDate);
//echo $Year;
$YearDiff = date("Y") - $Year;
// If the birthday hasn't arrived yet this year, the person is one year younger
if(date("m") < $Month || (date("m") == $Month && date("d") < $Day))
if(date("m") > $Month || date("m") == $Month)
$MonthDiff = date("m") - $Month;
$MonthDiff = 12 - $Month + date("m");
$age = $YearDiff + $MonthDiff/12;
return $age;
$dob = mysql_query("SELECT date_of_birth FROM kids_informations WHERE user_id = '$usid'");
$rs = CalculateAge($dob);