我在首页上使用 YooTheme 的 ZOO Blog 应用程序。我有两件事想要实现;

  • 单击文章标题时,您将进入一个完整查看文章的页面,包括您可能/可能没有的任何阅读更多内容。当转到此页面时,您仍然拥有分配给“主”菜单项的所有模块。不幸的是,为了让应用程序“博客”显示在首页 - 它必须分配给“主页”菜单项。


  • 一个奇怪的 - 我想在我的首页底部没有分页


我会利用 YooTheme 拥有的“出色”社区——但不幸的是,在 3 个月后(当您购买产品时,这是最低级别),所有支持都停止了。这包括主要基于社区帮助的票务系统。



2 回答 2


I found the answers to this problem. (I'm not native english speaker, but I hope you'll understand)

First method - sh404sef, I don't know whether it's a feature or a bug in that component, but that what you need to do:

  1. Unpublish your default homepage menu item(zoo category for example) to wich there were assigned modules that you dont need to be shown, then create and make it Default Page(star sign) new menu item(or use existing one), and assign to it the modules that you want to appear in the full item view(I'm using product not a blog zoo app) or article full view when you click link from homepage and opens zoo item page or zoo category page.
  2. In joomla Globa Configuration turn on - Use URL rewriting, then in sh404sef Control Panel turn on - Enable URL optimization and Rewriting mode with .htaccess . Errase all the url links in sh404SEF: URL manager(if any exist), we need it (sh404SEF) to create new links.
  3. Now when you open new default home page with modules you need to be shown in the zoo item full view, you start to going on ALL the zoo links you wish to open then with that quantity of modules. sh404sef creates SEF link in it backend (in URL manager). And that links will open with exactly with that quantity of modules with zoo.
  4. Now you can publish back again your previos homepage and make it default page. And there will be modules that you want on homepage, but because of links that sh404sef created when you were clicking, the zoo items or article links will open with different modules that we asigned to our second default page you use to create those links. For that purpose I commonly use existing menu item where will be another set of modules not like in the homepage. When you have new link on site you have to partially repeat that. You have to go on that link first time from the page where quantity of modules suits you (and to be on the safe side make that page your default page for that time)

Second method - JoomlaXTC Zoo Item Wall, its a module you don't have to make menu item to show zoo items on a homepage. But, I didn't tried it myself I only read about it.

于 2014-06-22T17:33:53.530 回答

您可以通过单击动物园管理员面板中的图标来编辑完整和任何布局。在那里,您可以编辑应用类型名称下的链接中的每个元素!在“默认”或您的模板旁边有完整链接、预告片、提要等。完整是项目的完整视图,预告片是类别/首页视图!在 Yootheme 的网站上,您还可以找到有关动物园的综合文档!需要帮助请叫我

于 2013-01-17T16:06:09.283 回答