我知道有很多关于这个主题的帖子,但没有真正帮助我解决我的问题。我对 android 编程相当陌生,并在教程的帮助下构建了我的线程,问题是我的模拟器不会超过 15 fps,程序应该以 50 运行(FPS 初始化为 50)。这是我的线程中的代码:
public class MainThread extends Thread {
private static final String TAG = MainThread.class.getSimpleName();
// desired fps
private final static int MAX_FPS = 50;
// maximum number of frames to be skipped
private final static int MAX_FRAME_SKIPS = 5;
// the frame period
private final static int FRAME_PERIOD = 1000 / MAX_FPS;
/* Stuff for stats */
private DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.##"); // 2 dp
// we'll be reading the stats every second
private final static int STAT_INTERVAL = 1000; // ms
// the average will be calculated by storing
// the last n FPSs
private final static int FPS_HISTORY_NR = 10;
// last time the status was stored
private long lastStatusStore = 0;
// the status time counter
private long statusIntervalTimer = 0l;
// number of frames skipped since the game started
private long totalFramesSkipped = 0l;
// number of frames skipped in a store cycle (1 sec)
private long framesSkippedPerStatCycle = 0l;
// number of rendered frames in an interval
private int frameCountPerStatCycle = 0;
private long totalFrameCount = 0l;
// the last FPS values
private double fpsStore[];
// the number of times the stat has been read
private long statsCount = 0;
// the average FPS since the game started
private double averageFps = 0.0;
// Surface holder that can access the physical surface
private SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder;
// The actual view that handles inputs
// and draws to the surface
private MainGamePanel gamePanel;
// flag to hold game state
private boolean running;
public void setRunning(boolean running) {
this.running = running;
public MainThread(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder, MainGamePanel gamePanel) {
this.surfaceHolder = surfaceHolder;
this.gamePanel = gamePanel;
public void run() {
Canvas canvas;
Log.d(TAG, "Starting game loop");
// initialise timing elements for stat gathering
long beginTime; // the time when the cycle begun
long timeDiff; // the time it took for the cycle to execute
int sleepTime; // ms to sleep (<0 if we're behind)
int framesSkipped; // number of frames being skipped
sleepTime = 0;
while (running) {
canvas = null;
// try locking the canvas for exclusive pixel editing
// in the surface
try {
canvas = this.surfaceHolder.lockCanvas();
synchronized (surfaceHolder) {
beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
framesSkipped = 0; // resetting the frames skipped
// update game state
// render state to the screen
// draws the canvas on the panel
// calculate how long did the cycle take
timeDiff = System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime;
// calculate sleep time
sleepTime = (int) (FRAME_PERIOD - timeDiff);
if (sleepTime > 0) {
// if sleepTime > 0 we're OK
try {
// send the thread to sleep for a short period
// very useful for battery saving
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
while (sleepTime < 0 && framesSkipped < MAX_FRAME_SKIPS) {
// we need to catch up
this.gamePanel.update(); // update without rendering
sleepTime += FRAME_PERIOD; // add frame period to check
// if in next frame
if (framesSkipped > 0) {
Log.d(TAG, "Skipped:" + framesSkipped);
// for statistics
framesSkippedPerStatCycle += framesSkipped;
// calling the routine to store the gathered statistics
} finally {
// in case of an exception the surface is not left in
// an inconsistent state
if (canvas != null) {
} // end finally
* The statistics - it is called every cycle, it checks if time since last
* store is greater than the statistics gathering period (1 sec) and if so
* it calculates the FPS for the last period and stores it.
* It tracks the number of frames per period. The number of frames since the
* start of the period are summed up and the calculation takes part only if
* the next period and the frame count is reset to 0.
private void storeStats() {
// assuming that the sleep works each call to storeStats
// happens at 1000/FPS so we just add it up
// statusIntervalTimer += FRAME_PERIOD;
// check the actual time
statusIntervalTimer += (System.currentTimeMillis() - statusIntervalTimer);
if (statusIntervalTimer >= lastStatusStore + STAT_INTERVAL) {
// calculate the actual frames pers status check interval
double actualFps = (double) (frameCountPerStatCycle / (STAT_INTERVAL / 1000));
// stores the latest fps in the array
fpsStore[(int) statsCount % FPS_HISTORY_NR] = actualFps;
// increase the number of times statistics was calculated
double totalFps = 0.0;
// sum up the stored fps values
for (int i = 0; i < FPS_HISTORY_NR; i++) {
totalFps += fpsStore[i];
// obtain the average
if (statsCount < FPS_HISTORY_NR) {
// in case of the first 10 triggers
averageFps = totalFps / statsCount;
} else {
averageFps = totalFps / FPS_HISTORY_NR;
// saving the number of total frames skipped
totalFramesSkipped += framesSkippedPerStatCycle;
// resetting the counters after a status record (1 sec)
framesSkippedPerStatCycle = 0;
statusIntervalTimer = 0;
frameCountPerStatCycle = 0;
statusIntervalTimer = System.currentTimeMillis();
lastStatusStore = statusIntervalTimer;
// Log.d(TAG, "Average FPS:" + df.format(averageFps));
gamePanel.setAvgFps("FPS: " + df.format(averageFps));
private void initTimingElements() {
// initialise timing elements
fpsStore = new double[FPS_HISTORY_NR];
for (int i = 0; i < FPS_HISTORY_NR; i++) {
fpsStore[i] = 0.0;
Log.d(TAG + ".initTimingElements()",
"Timing elements for stats initialised");
public void render(Canvas canvas) {
// display fps
displayFps(canvas, avgFps);
那里也有一些更新,但这只是为了让我的精灵移动。如果 any1 可以看到问题或有任何提示,请告诉我。谢谢!}