
我一直试图在 java 脚本中获取标签名称及其值。我使用的 xml 文件如下所示:

            How are you


TageName : root Attribute: 0 Text: null

TageName : note Attribute: 0 Text: null
TageName : to   Attribute: 0 Text: Gil
TageName : from Attribute: 0 Text: null
TageName : firstname Attribute: 0 Text: john
TageName : lastname Attribute: 0 Text: corner
TageName : heading Attribute: 0 Text: Reminder

TageName : note Attribute: 0 Text: null
TageName : to   Attribute: 0 Text: Mary
TageName : from Attribute: 0 Text: null
TageName : firstname Attribute: 0 Text: Clara
TageName : lastname Attribute: 0 Text: Diana
TageName : heading Attribute: 0 Text: How are you



2 回答 2

var xml = '<root><note ><to>Gil</to><from><firstname>john</firstname><lastname>corner</lastname></from><heading>Reminder</heading></note><note><to>Mary</to><from><firstname>Clara</firstname><lastname>Diana</lastname></from><heading>How are you</heading></note></root>';

var node = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(xml, "text/xml").documentElement;

var nodes = node.querySelectorAll("*");

for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
    var text = null;
    if (nodes[i].childNodes.length == 1 && nodes[i].childNodes[0].nodeType == 3) //if nodeType == text node
        text = nodes[i].textContent; //get text of the node
    console.log("TageName : ", nodes[i].tagName, ", Text : ", text);
于 2012-07-02T13:45:36.997 回答

这是一个显示基本用法的jsFiddle 。这是使用 jQuery 的基本代码:



于 2012-07-02T13:37:31.647 回答