Drupal 6:

I have a content type and it has multiple CCK fields: one user reference field, one node reference field, one taxonomy field, 4 text fields & 2 date fields.

It was working just fine until yesterday, but when I create content now, not even one entry is coming to the page except default boy area input & title.

It's really weird for me as this has never happened.

Does any body have any idea why this is happening?


1 回答 1



  1. 查看字段的权限。
  2. 转到内容类型的管理选项卡,看看您是否可以看到这些字段。
  3. print_r($node->field_machine_readable_name);在身体或预告片中使用。
  4. 使用开发模块。
于 2012-07-02T12:58:31.477 回答