在工作表中,我存储了我希望使用 VBA 创建的图表列表。例如,它将包含在一个列中:

  • xl3DA 区域
  • xl线

在我的 VBA 例程中,我定义了一个XlChartType变量,如下所示:

Dim chartType               As XlChartType

稍后在同一例程中,我尝试从工作表中读取图表类型,并使用以下代码将其分配给 chartType 变量(删除块中的其他代码行):

With Worksheets(chartDetailsWorksheet)

    'Variable initialisations
    chartType = Cells(2, 2).value

End With




3 回答 3



Function WhatIsTheValue(s As String) As Variant

        Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject
        Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
        Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
        Set VBProj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
        Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents("modTemp")
        Set CodeMod = VBComp.CodeModule

        With CodeMod
            .DeleteLines 1, .CountOfLines
            .InsertLines 1, "Public Function GetTheValue()"
            .InsertLines 2, "GetTheValue = (" & s & ")"
            .InsertLines 3, "End Function"
        End With
        WhatIsTheValue = Application.Run("GetTheValue")

End Function
于 2012-07-02T15:42:45.850 回答

Don't do that.

On the sheet, store values in two columns, one visible, one hidden.
In the hidden column put numerical values for enum members. In the visible column put descriptive names (xlLine is not a descriptive name for a user). Then read the hidden column.

于 2012-07-02T12:28:52.387 回答


该子例程从 Cells(2,2) 获取字符串值,并通过下面的函数将其转换为 xlChartType。

Sub ChartTypes()
Dim cht As Chart
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim stringType As String
Dim chartType As XlChartType

Set ws = Sheets(1)

stringType = CStr(Cells(2, 2).Value)

'Use the function to return the correct xlChartType in the AddChart:
Set cht = ws.Shapes.AddChart( _
        GetChartTypeConstant(stringType), _
        50, 50, 300, 200).Chart
End Sub

这是在Set cObj.... 请注意,通过使用带有 case select 的函数,您可以使用更易于使用的名称,而不是“xlBarClustered”,您可以将其称为“Horizo​​ntal Bars”等。

Private Function GetChartTypeConstant(myString As String) As XlChartType
'This function returns an xlCharType constant value from a descriptive string
' which you will need to define or modify for your needs;
' using select case also means you can use more descriptive/user-friendly
' names on your worksheet.

    Select Case myString
    Case "xlBarClustered", "Clustered Bars", "Horizontal Bars"
        GetChartTypeConstant = xlBarClustered
    Case "xlColumnClustered", "Clustered Columns", "Vertical Columns"
        GetChartTypeConstant = xlColumnClustered
    Case "xlLine", "Lines Only"
        GetChartTypeConstant = xlLine

    'Additional cases can be added for
    ' additional chart types.
End Select

End Function


于 2013-02-07T16:07:39.070 回答