
此信息来自外部工具,格式为 ((word, index), (word, index), relation) 元组。每个单词可以有许多依赖项,我只希望每个单词有一个节点。

当我处理每个依赖项时,我想通过它们的 ID 来搜索它,但是当我尝试使用 find_vertex() 时,我得到了下一个异常:

TypeError: No registered converter was able to extract a C++ reference to type graph_tool::GraphInterface from this Python object of type Graph


def graph(self, sentence, sentenceNamespace="sentence", separator="_"):
    graph = Graph()
    root_node = graph.add_vertex()
    # Create a link to Root Node
    graph.graph_properties['root'] = graph.new_graph_property("python::object", root_node)
    # Create Node's properties
    graph.vertex_properties['id'] = graph.new_vertex_property("string")
    graph.vertex_properties['form'] = graph.new_vertex_property("string")
    graph.vertex_properties['ord'] = graph.new_vertex_property("int64_t")
    # Create edge's properties
    graph.edge_properties['type'] = graph.new_edge_property("string")
    # Create the root node
    graph.vertex_properties['form'][root_node] = "S"
    graph.vertex_properties['ord'][root_node] = -1
    # Find or create the dependant and governor nodes and link with a new edge
    for dependency in self.dependency(sentence):
        dependency_governor = dependency[0]
        # Governor's generated ID
        governor_name = "{1}{0}{2[0]}{0}{1[1]}".format(separator, sentenceNamespace,dependency_governor )
        dependency_dependant = dependency[1]
        # Dependant's generated ID
        dependant_name = "{1}{0}{2[0]}{0}{1[1]}".format(separator, sentenceNamespace, dependency_dependant)
        # Relation Type
        relation = dependency[2]

# This is the problematic Line ################################################

        governor = find_vertex(graph, graph.vertex_properties['id'], governor_name)

        # If search is successful use the first node else create a new one
        if governor :
            governor = governor[0]
            governor = graph.add_vertex()
            graph.vertex_properties['id'][governor] = governor_name
            graph.vertex_properties['form'][governor] = dependency_governor[0]
            graph.vertex_properties['ord'][governor] = dependency_governor[1]

        dependant = find_vertex(graph, 'id', dependant_name)
        # If search is successful use the first node else create a new one
        if dependant :
            dependant = dependant[0]
            dependant = graph.add_vertex()
            graph.vertex_properties['id'][dependant] = dependant_name
            graph.vertex_properties['form'][dependant] = dependant_dependant[0]
            graph.vertex_properties['ord'][dependant] = dependency_dependant[1]
        # Link the nodes with the new dependency relation
        dependency_edge = graph.add_edge(governor, dependant)
        graph.edge_properties['type'][dependency_edge]= relation
    return graph

1 回答 1


此错误已在 git 版本中修复。

于 2012-07-10T15:48:33.807 回答