<< Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 2B: Instruction Set Reference, NZ >> 说:
| Opcode* | Instruction | Op/En | 64-Bit Mode | Compat/Leg Mode | Description |
| 6A | PUSH imm8 | C | Valid | Valid | Push imm8. |
| 68 | PUSH imm16 | C | Valid | Valid | Push imm16. |
| 68 | PUSH imm32 | C | Valid | Valid | Push imm32. |
# cat -n test.asm
1 bits 64
3 push byte 12
4 push word 12
5 push dword 12
6 push qword 12
# nasm test.asm
test.asm:5: error: instruction not supported in 64-bit mode
为什么5号线是非法的?我认为它与“PUSH imm32”匹配。
为什么第 6 行是合法的?它与“PUSH imm8/PUSH imm16/PUSH imm32”中的任何一个都不匹配。
I think that the Intel manual is right, the 'push imm'
instructions do have three encoding form:
Form 1: 6a XX
Form 2: 66 68 XX XX
Form 3: 68 XX XX XX XX
What we are arguing is the implemental specific behavior of the NASM.
In NASM 2.04rc1(the above example I given):
1. The 'byte' in 'push byte imm' direct the NASM use the Form 1,
no matter how long the imm given in the instruction it is, the imm
was trunked to a byte in final machine code.
2. The 'word' in 'push word imm' direct the NASM use the Form 2,
no matter how long the imm given in the instruction it is, the imm
was trucked or zero-extended to a word in final machine code.
3. The 'qword' in 'push dword imm' direct the NASM use the Form 3,
no matter how long the imm given in the instruction it is, the imm
was trucked or zero-extended to a dword in final machine code.
Note: the 'qword' in the instruction but 'dword' in final machine
code, which made us confused.
4. if none of 'byte', 'word', 'qword' is given, the NASM use the From 3.
# cat -n push.asm
1 bits 64
3 push byte 0x21
4 push byte 0x4321
6 push word 0x4321
7 push word 0x654321
9 push qword 0x654321
11 push 0x21
12 push 0x4321
13 push 0x654321
14 push 0x87654321
15 push 0xa987654321
# nasm -v
NASM version 2.04rc1 compiled on Feb 21 2009
# nasm push.asm -o push.bin
push.asm:4: warning: signed byte value exceeds bounds
push.asm:7: warning: word data exceeds bounds
# ndisasm -b 32 push.bin // 'ndisasm -b 64 push.bin' not works right in this version of NASM.
00000000 6A21 push byte +0x21
00000002 6A21 push byte +0x21
00000004 66682143 push word 0x4321
00000008 66682143 push word 0x4321
0000000C 6821436500 push dword 0x654321
00000011 6821000000 push dword 0x21
00000016 6821430000 push dword 0x4321
0000001B 6821436500 push dword 0x654321
00000020 6821436587 push dword 0x87654321
00000025 6821436587 push dword 0x87654321
In newer NASM, the behavior changes:
(1) 'push 0x21' was encoded to '6A21' in NASM 2.10.01,
while '6821000000' in NASM 2.04rc1;
(2)'push dword 0x654321' in 64 bit mode was allowed
in NASM 2.10.01 and encoded to '6821436500'