我有一个绑定到以下视图模型的 ASP.Net MVC 表单。该表格允许一个提交插入一个新的员工记录以及他的所有电话号码和约会类型。使用 LINQ to SQL 的控制器 [HttpPost] 操作可以对与 People(aka Staff) 表关联的表执行单条记录插入,但 EContactInfo 和 AppointmentType 表除外。_StaffSerivce.Add() 只是在数据存储库中执行该实体的 InsertOnSubmit()。添加完所有新记录后,将在执行数据存储库的 SubmitChanges() 的地方调用 _Service.Save()。那时我收到一条错误消息“无法使用已在使用的密钥添加实体“。错误是在插入第一个电话号码或约会类型时,在相应表中插入第一条记录后,这些表的主键没有更改。如何将多条记录批量插入一个表中?谢谢。

public class RequestForAppointmentViewModel
    public People Staff { get; set; }   /* Person to be appointed or employeed */
    public Appointment Appointment { get; set; }
    public ContactAddress PostAddress { get; set; }

    //public IList<EContactInfo> ContactMethods { get; set; }
    public string WorkPhone { get; set; }
    public string HomePhone { get; set; }
    public string CellPhone { get; set; }
    public string Pager { get; set; }
    public string EmailAddress { get; set; }

    //public IList<AppointmentType> AppointmentTypes { get; set; }
    public bool ChiefResident { get; set; }
    public bool CompPen { get; set; }
    public bool Consultant { get; set; }
    public bool ContractAppointmentType { get; set; }
    public bool FeeBasis { get; set; }
    public bool Locum { get; set; }
    public bool SpecialFellow { get; set; }
    public bool StaffAppointmentType { get; set; }
    public bool StaffFullTime { get; set; }
    public bool StaffIntermittent { get; set; }
    public bool StaffPartTime { get; set; }
    public bool StaffPermanent { get; set; }
    public bool StaffTemporary { get; set; }
    public bool WOC { get; set; }

    public Contract Contract { get; set; }
    public ContractingCompany ContractingCompany { get; set; } /* person is via contracting company */


    public ActionResult CreateRequestForAppointment(RequestForAppointmentViewModel requestForm)
        bool success = false;
        string alpha = string.Empty;

        if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            return View("RequestForAppointment", requestForm);
                People thisPerson = new People();
                if (TryUpdateModel<People>(thisPerson, "Staff")) //prefixed
                    #region persist People
                    alpha = thisPerson.LName.Substring(0, 1);
                    #endregion persist People

                    #region persist Appointment
                    Appointment thisAppointment = new Appointment();
                    if (TryUpdateModel<Appointment>(thisAppointment, "Appointment"))
                        thisAppointment.People = thisPerson;
                    #endregion persist Appointment

                    #region persist ContactAddress
                    ContactAddress thisAddress = new ContactAddress();
                    if (TryUpdateModel<ContactAddress>(thisAddress, "PostAddress"))
                        thisAddress.People = thisPerson;
                        thisAddress.Country = _staffService.ListCountries().SingleOrDefault(c => c.CountryName.Equals("USA"));
                    #endregion persist ContactAddress

                    #region persist Contract Company
                    ContractingCompany thisCompany = new ContractingCompany();
                    if (TryUpdateModel<ContractingCompany>(thisCompany, "ContractingCompany"))
                    #endregion persist Contract Company

                    #region persist Contract
                    Contract thisContract = new Contract();
                    if (TryUpdateModel<Contract>(thisContract, "Contract"))
                        thisContract.Appointment = thisAppointment;
                        thisContract.ContractingCompany = thisCompany;
                    #endregion Persist Contract

                    #region persist EContactInfo
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestForm.WorkPhone))
                        EContactInfo WorkPhone = new EContactInfo();
                        WorkPhone.People = thisPerson;
                        WorkPhone.CodeReference = _staffService.ListMessagingMethods().SingleOrDefault(m => m.Description.Equals("Work Phone"));
                        WorkPhone.ContactDetail = requestForm.WorkPhone;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestForm.HomePhone))
                        EContactInfo HomePhone = new EContactInfo();
                        HomePhone.People = thisPerson;
                        HomePhone.CodeReference = _staffService.ListMessagingMethods().SingleOrDefault(m => m.Description.Equals("Home Phone"));
                        HomePhone.ContactDetail = requestForm.HomePhone;

                    //others phones are omitted for abbreviation
                    #endregion persist EContactInfo

                    #region persist AppointmentType
                    if (requestForm.ChiefResident.Equals(true))
                        AppointmentType ChiefResident = new AppointmentType();
                        ChiefResident.Appointment = thisAppointment;
                        ChiefResident.CodeReference = _staffService.ListAppointmentTypes().SingleOrDefault(t => t.Description.Equals("Chief Resident (CRES)"));
                    if (requestForm.CompPen.Equals(true))
                        AppointmentType CompPen = new AppointmentType();
                        CompPen.Appointment = thisAppointment;
                        CompPen.CodeReference = _staffService.ListAppointmentTypes().SingleOrDefault(t => t.Description.Equals("Comp & Pen (C&P)"));
                   //Other types omitted for abbreviation
                    #endregion persist AppointmentType


                    success = true;


 public class ClinicalPrivilegeRepository : IClinicalPrivilegesRespository
    private DB db = new DB();

    #region EContactIfo

    public IQueryable<EContactInfo> GetEContactInfoByPersonId(int id)
      var eContactInfos = (from e in db.EContactInfos
                          select e).Where(e => e.FK_People.Equals(id));
      return eContactInfos;

    public EContactInfo GetEcontactInfoById(int id)
      var eContactInfo = (from e in db.EContactInfos
                          select e).SingleOrDefault(e => e.PKey.Equals(id));
      return eContactInfo;

    public void Add(EContactInfo newEContactInfo)

    public void Delete(EContactInfo thisEContactInfo)

    #endregion EContactIfo

#region StaffAppointmentType

    public IQueryable<AppointmentType> ListStaffAppointmentTypes(int appointmentId)
        IQueryable<AppointmentType> appointmentTypes = (db.AppointmentTypes.Where(t => t.FK_Appointment.Equals(appointmentId)).Select(t => t));
        return appointmentTypes;

    public AppointmentType GetStaffAppointmentType(int appointmentId, int appointmentTypeId)
        var appointmentType = (from t in ListStaffAppointmentTypes(appointmentId)
                                   select t).SingleOrDefault(x=>x.FK_AppointmentType.Equals(appointmentTypeId));
        return appointmentType;

    public void Add(AppointmentType newAppointmentType)

    public void Delete(AppointmentType thisAppointmentType)

    #endregion StaffAppointmentType

public void Save()
        //throw new NotImplementedException();



1 回答 1


代码大部分是正确的。真正的问题出在 DBML 的 EContactInfo 和 AppointmentType 表中,我忘记将主键的标识设置为 true。

于 2012-07-04T22:22:15.047 回答