Flash 在循环期间不会刷新布局。如果你想移动一些东西,你必须让手在两步之间闪现。
您有两种主要方法,即 setInterval :
// You need to declare this variables to access them in the function "applyMovement"
var _nInterval:Number;
var _nSteps:Number;
// Yout function
function cardmove(card){
speedx =xDiff/10;
speedy = yDiff / 10;
// Set the steps to 10
_nSteps = 10;
// Before start the setInterval, you have to stop a previous one
// You call the function each 41 ms (about 24 fps) with the parameters
setInterval(this, "applyMovement", 41, card, speedx, speedy);
// This function apply the new coodinates
function applyMovement(mc:MovieClip, nX:Number, nY:Number) {
if (_nSteps >= 0) {
mc._x += nX;
mc._y += nY;
}else {
_nSteps --;
或 onEnterFrame :
// You need to declare this variables to access them in the function "applyMovement"
var _nSteps:Number;
var _mc:MovieClip;
var _nX:Number;
var _nY:Number;
// Yout function
function cardmove(card){
_nX =xDiff/10;
_nY = yDiff / 10;
_mc = card;
// Set the steps to 10
_nSteps = 10;
// You have to use the Delegate function to access to the "good" this in the function
this.onEnterFrame = mx.utils.Delagate.create(this,applyMovement);
// This function apply the new coodinates
function applyMovement() {
if (_nSteps >= 0) {
_mc._x += nX;
_mc._y += nY;
}else {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
_nSteps --;