Is there any way of accessing both a result set and output parameters from a stored procedure added in as a function import in an Entity Framework model?

I am finding that if I set the return type to "None" such that the designer generated code ends up calling base.ExecuteFunction(...) that I can access the output parameters fine after calling the function (but of course not the result set).

Conversely if I set the return type in the designer to a collection of complex types then the designer generated code calls base.ExecuteFunction<T>(...) and the result set is returned as ObjectResult<T> but then the value property for the ObjectParameter instances is NULL rather than containing the proper value that I can see being passed back in Profiler.

I speculate the second method is perhaps calling a DataReader and not closing it. Is this a known issue? Any work arounds or alternative approaches?


My code currently looks like

    public IEnumerable<FooBar> GetFooBars(
        int? param1, 
        string param2, 
        DateTime from, 
        DateTime to, 
        out DateTime? createdDate, 
        out DateTime? deletedDate)
        var createdDateParam = new ObjectParameter("CreatedDate", typeof(DateTime));
        var deletedDateParam = new ObjectParameter("DeletedDate", typeof(DateTime));

        var fooBars = MyContext.GetFooBars(param1, param2, from, to, createdDateParam, deletedDateParam);

        createdDate = (DateTime?)(createdDateParam.Value == DBNull.Value ? 
            null : 

        deletedDate = (DateTime?)(deletedDateParam.Value == DBNull.Value ? 
            null : 

        return fooBars;

1 回答 1


根据this SO post,在您迭代结果集之前,存储过程实际上不会执行。我模拟了您的场景,进行了一些测试并确认是这种情况。您没有添加代码示例,所以我看不到您在做什么,但是根据您在下面的回复,尝试将结果集缓存在列表中(例如,Context.MyEntities.ToList())然后检查ObjectParameter 的值

于 2012-07-01T18:15:30.260 回答