几天前我开始研究json。我有一个 json 代码,但我无法运行此代码。请指导我该怎么做!我应该在哪里以及如何运行此代码?

"title":"About Canada",
    "description":"Beavers are second only to humans in their ability to manipulate and change their environment. They can measure up to 1.3 metres long. A group of beavers is called a colony",
    "description":"It is a well known fact that polar bears are the main mode of transportation in Canada. They consume far less gas and have the added benefit of being difficult to steal.",
    "title":"Hockey Night in Canada",
    "description":"These Saturday night CBC broadcasts originally aired on radio in 1931. In 1952 they debuted on television and continue to unite (and divide) the nation each week.",
    "description":"A chiefly Canadian interrogative utterance, usually expressing surprise or doubt or seeking confirmation.",
    "description":"Warmer than you might think.",
    "title":"Public Shame",
    "description":" Sadly it's true.",
    "title":"Space Program",
    "description":"Canada hopes to soon launch a man to the moon.",
    "description":"A moose is a common sight in Canada. Tall and majestic, they represent many of the values which Canadians imagine that they possess. They grow up to 2.7 metres long and can weigh over 700 kg. They swim at 10 km/h. Moose antlers weigh roughly 20 kg. The plural of moose is actually 'meese', despite what most dictionaries, encyclopedias, and experts will tell you.",
    "description":"It's really big.",
    "description":"Éare illegal. Cats are fine.",
    "description":"They are the law. They are also Canada's foreign espionage service. Subtle.",
    "description":"Nous parlons tous les langues importants.",

3 回答 3


注意: 我是EclipseLink JAXB (MOXy)负责人,也是JAXB (JSR-222)专家组的成员。


您将需要某种数据结构来表示您的 JSON 数据,以便您可以在 Java 应用程序中使用它。下面是使用类型化域模型的示例。其他 JSON 库提供更通用的类似 DOM 的结构。


package forum11283724;

import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;

public class Search {

    String title;
    List<Book> rows;


package forum11283724;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;
public class Book {
    String title;
    String description;
    String imageHref;


下面是将 JSON 文档读入 Java 对象,然后将它们写回 JSON 的代码示例。当数据为对象形式时,您可以对其进行操作:添加、删除、修改等。


package forum11283724;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.bind.*;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContextProperties;

public class Demo {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Map<String,Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(2);
        properties.put(JAXBContextProperties.MEDIA_TYPE, "application/json");
        properties.put(JAXBContextProperties.JSON_INCLUDE_ROOT, false);
        JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(new Class[] {Search.class}, properties);

        Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
        StreamSource json = new StreamSource(new FileReader("src/forum11283724/input.json"));
        Search search = (Search) unmarshaller.unmarshal(json, Search.class).getValue();

        Marshaller marshaller = jc.createMarshaller();
        marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
        marshaller.marshal(search, System.out);



以下是您的 JSON 文档,它是此示例的输入/输出

   "title" : "About Canada",
   "rows" : [ {
      "title" : "Beavers",
      "description" : "Beavers are second only to humans in their ability to manipulate and change their environment. They can measure up to 1.3 metres long. A group of beavers is called a colony",
      "imageHref" : "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6b/American_Beaver.jpg/220px-American_Beaver.jpg"
   }, {
      "title" : "Flag",
      "imageHref" : "http://images.findicons.com/files/icons/662/world_flag/128/flag_of_canada.png"
   }, {
      "title" : "Transportation",
      "description" : "It is a well known fact that polar bears are the main mode of transportation in Canada. They consume far less gas and have the added benefit of being difficult to steal.",
      "imageHref" : "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_VZVOmYVm68Q/SMkzZzkGXKI/AAAAAAAAADQ/U89miaCkcyo/s400/the_golden_compass_still.jpg"
   }, {
      "title" : "Hockey Night in Canada",
      "description" : "These Saturday night CBC broadcasts originally aired on radio in 1931. In 1952 they debuted on television and continue to unite (and divide) the nation each week.",
      "imageHref" : "http://fyimusic.ca/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/hockey-night-in-canada.thumbnail.jpg"
   }, {
      "title" : "Eh",
      "description" : "A chiefly Canadian interrogative utterance, usually expressing surprise or doubt or seeking confirmation."
   }, {
      "title" : "Housing",
      "description" : "Warmer than you might think.",
      "imageHref" : "http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconshock/alaska/256/Igloo-icon.png"
   }, {
      "title" : "Public Shame",
      "description" : " Sadly it's true.",
      "imageHref" : "http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Music/Pix/site_furniture/2007/04/19/avril_lavigne.jpg"
   }, {
   }, {
      "title" : "Space Program",
      "description" : "Canada hopes to soon launch a man to the moon.",
      "imageHref" : "http://files.turbosquid.com/Preview/Content_2009_07_14__10_25_15/trebucheta.jpgdf3f3bf4-935d-40ff-84b2-6ce718a327a9Larger.jpg"
   }, {
      "title" : "Meese",
      "description" : "A moose is a common sight in Canada. Tall and majestic, they represent many of the values which Canadians imagine that they possess. They grow up to 2.7 metres long and can weigh over 700 kg. They swim at 10 km/h. Moose antlers weigh roughly 20 kg. The plural of moose is actually 'meese', despite what most dictionaries, encyclopedias, and experts will tell you.",
      "imageHref" : "http://caroldeckerwildlifeartstudio.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/IMG_2418%20majestic%20moose%201%20copy%20(Small)-96x96.jpg"
   }, {
      "title" : "Geography",
      "description" : "It's really big."
   }, {
      "title" : "Kittens...",
      "description" : "Éare illegal. Cats are fine.",
      "imageHref" : "http://www.donegalhimalayans.com/images/That%20fish%20was%20this%20big.jpg"
   }, {
      "title" : "Mounties",
      "description" : "They are the law. They are also Canada's foreign espionage service. Subtle.",
      "imageHref" : "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__mokxbTmuJM/RnWuJ6cE9cI/AAAAAAAAATw/6z3m3w9JDiU/s400/019843_31.jpg"
   }, {
      "title" : "Language",
      "description" : "Nous parlons tous les langues importants."
   } ]
于 2012-07-02T15:28:52.037 回答

Take a look at this http://www.json.org/java/.

JSon is data similiar to XML . However without end tags . So you would point to that file and have one of the json parsers look at it and call functions to get the data inside each attribute . If you are having problems using one of the json libraries post up the code your trying to use and we will help you out .


That's a really simple json library ( pun intended ) I think the easiest to get started with , let us know if you have any trouble with it .

于 2012-07-01T16:51:53.307 回答

一旦您拥有 json 格式的数据,您就可以将其用作某些请求的响应,并将其显示给客户端(浏览器),您需要使用javascript for loop 遍历它。

于 2012-07-01T16:43:14.980 回答