


2 回答 2


If you are designing a banking system, you need to have a thorough understanding of transactional integrity.

For example:

If you move money from one account to another, you do at least two steps

  1. Deduct money from one account
  2. Add that money to another account

It would be a very bad result if you completed Step 1 and then your program failed for some reason before completing Step 2.

Read about and fully understand transactions before proceeding.

Having said that...

Entity Framework provides a nice level of abstraction for data storage and allows you to manage database transactions. I suggest you look into that technology, along with how to use database transactions with Entity Framework.

于 2012-07-01T16:36:28.750 回答

在 sql server 或 oracle 中创建数据库... 使用 Entity 框架进行数据操作。我会建议您创建 WCF 服务(它将执行您的所有数据库事务)并在您的应用程序中使用该 wcf 服务。

如果您想让您的应用程序更好,那么我建议使用依赖注入(结构映射、ninject 或任何其他类似的......)..它将帮助您使您的代码干净、可维护和可测试..

于 2012-07-01T16:30:02.513 回答