以下 NHibernate QueryOver 查询正在计算给定日期范围内每个月的应用程序数量。

但是,对于没有任何应用程序的月份,我没有得到任何结果,但我实际上希望这些月份返回 Count = 0。


DateTimeOffset endDate = DateTimeOffset.Now;
DateTimeOffset startDate = endDate.AddMonths(-12);

var result = Session.QueryOver<Application>()
    .WhereRestrictionOn(c => c.SubmissionDate).IsBetween(startDate).And(endDate)
    .SelectList(list => list
            "YEAR(SubmissionDate) As [Year]",
            new[] { "YEAR" },
            new IType[] { NHibernateUtil.Int32 }))
            "MONTH(SubmissionDate) As [Month]",
            new[] { "MONTH" },
            new IType[] { NHibernateUtil.Int32 }))
        .SelectCount(x => x.Id))
        Projections.Property<Application>(item => item.SubmissionDate))).Asc
        Projections.Property<Application>(item => item.SubmissionDate))).Asc
    .Select(n => new
        Year = n[0],
        Month = n[1],
        Count = (int)n[2]

3 回答 3



    DateTime lastMonth = startdate;
    var unionresults = result.SelectMany(r =>
        var actualDate = new DateTime(r.Year, r.Month, 1);

        var results = Enumerable.Repeat(1, Months)
            .Select(i => lastMonth.AddMonths(i))
            .TakeWhile(date => date < actualDate)
            .Select(date => new { Year = date.Year, Month = date.Month, Count = 0 })
            .Concat(new[] { r });

        lastMonth = actualDate;

        return results;


我认为您必须在查询后添加该数据。这是一个使用 linq 填写缺失月份的示例

var result = <query>;

int lastMonth = 1;
var unionresults = result.SelectMany(r =>
    var results = new[] { r }.AsEnumerable();

    if (lastMonth > r.Month)
        results = Enumerable.Range(lastMonth, 12 - lastMonth).Select(month => new { Year = r.Year, Month = month, Count = 0 })
            .Concat(Enumerable.Range(1, r.Month).Select(month => new { Year = r.Year, Month = month, Count = 0 }))
    else if (lastMonth < r.Month)
        results = Enumerable.Range(lastMonth, r.Month - lastMonth)
            .Select(month => new { Year = r.Year, Month = month, Count = 0 })

    lastMonth = r.Month + 1;
    if (lastMonth > 12)
        lastMonth = 1;

    return results;
于 2012-07-02T08:27:17.323 回答

它不能通过一些简单的改变来完成。由 QueryOver() 生成的 SQL 查询首先无法计算不存在的内容。您可能可以使用虚拟/临时表(取决于 DBMS)使用 UNION 或 JOIN 来执行此操作,但这会使查询过于复杂。


class YearMonthCount
    public int Year { get; set; }
    public int Month { get; set; }
    public int Count { get; set; }

// Start and End dates
DateTime startDate = new DateTime(2011, 9, 1);
DateTime endDate = new DateTime(2012, 6, 1);
// this would be a sample of the QueryOver() result
List<YearMonthCount> result = new List<YearMonthCount>();
result.Add(new YearMonthCount { Year = 2011, Month = 10, Count = 2 });
result.Add(new YearMonthCount { Year = 2011, Month = 11, Count = 3 });
result.Add(new YearMonthCount { Year = 2012, Month = 1, Count = 4 });
result.Add(new YearMonthCount { Year = 2012, Month = 2, Count = 1 });
result.Add(new YearMonthCount { Year = 2012, Month = 4, Count = 1 });
result.Add(new YearMonthCount { Year = 2012, Month = 5, Count = 1 });

int i = 0;
List<YearMonthCount> result2 = new List<YearMonthCount>();
// iterate through result list, add any missing entry
while (startDate <= endDate)
    bool addNewEntry = true;
    // check to avoid OutOfBoundsException
    if (i < result.Count)
        DateTime listDate = new DateTime(result[i].Year, result[i].Month, 1);
        if (startDate == listDate)
            // entry is in the QueryOver result -> add this
            addNewEntry = false;
    if (addNewEntry)
        // entry is not in the QueryOver result -> add a new entry
        result2.Add(new YearMonthCount { 
            Year = startDate.Year, Month = startDate.Month, Count = 0 });
    startDate = startDate.AddMonths(1);


于 2012-07-02T08:33:32.197 回答


DateTime endDate = DateTime.Now;
DateTime startDate = endDate.AddMonths(-Months);

var result = Session.QueryOver<Application>()
    .WhereRestrictionOn(c => c.SubmissionDate).IsBetween(startDate).And(endDate)
    .SelectList(list => list
        "YEAR(SubmissionDate) As [Year]",
        new[] { "YEAR" },
        new IType[] { NHibernateUtil.Int32 }))
        "MONTH(SubmissionDate) As [Month]",
        new[] { "MONTH" },
        new IType[] { NHibernateUtil.Int32 }))
    .SelectCount(x => x.Id))
    .Select(n => new
        Year = (int)n[0],
        Month = (int)n[1],
        Count = (int)n[2]

var finalResult = result
        Enumerable.Range(0, Months - 1).Select(n => new
            Year = startDate.AddMonths(n).Year,
            Month = startDate.AddMonths(n).Month,
            Count = 0
        .Where(n => !result.Any(r => r.Year == n.Year && r.Month == n.Month)))
    .OrderBy(n => n.Year).ThenBy(n => n.Month);
于 2012-07-02T09:41:15.553 回答