I can connect to the IMAP mail server easy enough:

 use Mail::IMAPClient;
 use MIME::Base64;
 use MIME::Parser;

  my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(
    Server   => '',
    User     => 'xxxxxx',
    Password => 'yyyyyy',
    Ssl      => 1,
    Uid      => 1,

  my $folders = $imap->folders
    or die "List folders error: ", $imap->LastError, "\n";
  print "Folders: @$folders\n";


$imap->select( $sfolder )
    or die "Select '$Opt{sfolder}' error: ", $imap->LastError, "\n";

my @msgs = $imap->messages or die "Could not messages: $@\n";

However, the text and html I want is not easily parsed due to codes like this:

Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Type:multipart/mixed; boundary="----------=_4F0F4830.7079357A"
Content-Type:multipart/mixed;   boundary="----=_Part_4487195_1184536749.1326753403034"
Content-Type:multipart/alternative; boundary=--boundary_164442_d184e417-739f-
Content-Type:multipart/mixed;   boundary="----=_Part_3882878_23916831.1326509484032"

I tried this but it only works on a tiny number of different encodings.

if  ($imap->get_header($msg,"Content-Transfer-Encoding")=~ /base64/i) {
print "\nMatch base64";
        if    ($imap->get_header($msg,"Content-Type")=~m/text/i )   {
        elsif ($imap->get_header($msg,"Content-Type")=~m/image/i )
        { print "\nImage detected"; }
        elsif ($imap->get_header($msg,"Content-Type")=~m/application/i )
        { print "\nApplication detected"; }

There are 7bit and 8bit variants and other encoding methods that contain the html or text I want for later use. I successfully use decode_base64() to decode base64. The worse ones to decode are the ones that contain multi-part codes. I feel like I am re-inventing the wheel and there must be a library or module that can do all the heavy lifting for me. Other content types such as .jpg,.gif, and .pdf should simply be ignored. The multi-part emails contain at least 1 part that I an interested but many that are useless to me.

After further research this structure has some of the information I need but don't know how to get it out efficiently is another matter.

Dumping:$VAR1 = bless( {
                 'bodyparms' => {
                                  'boundary' =>     '----=_NextPart_002_BC64_7D688C1F.A2FF9BE0'
                 'bodyextra' => undef,
                 '_top' => 1,
             'bodydisp' => 'NIL',
             '_id' => 'HEAD',
             'bodysubtype' => 'mixed',
             'PartsIndex' => {
                               '1.3' => bless( {
                                                 'bodyparms' => 'NIL',
                                                 'bodyid' => '<d9e26cc0-019c-4ac0-9b1e-9c9ac8424f52>',
                                                 'bodyextra' => 'NIL',
                                                 'bodydisp' => 'NIL',
                                                 '_id' => '1.3',
                                                 'bodysubtype' => 'jpeg',
                                                 '_prefix' => '1.3',
                                                 'bodysize' => '4808',
                                                 'bodytype' => 'image',
                                                 'bodyMD5' => 'NIL',
                                                 'bodylang' => 'NIL',
                                                 'bodydesc' => 'NIL',
                                                 'bodyenc' => 'base64'
                                               }, 'Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure' ),
                               '1.1' => bless( {
                                                 'bodyparms' => {
                                                                  'boundary' => '----=_NextPart_000_36AE_880DDD08.0A776E35'
                                                 'bodyextra' => undef,
                                                 'bodydisp' => 'NIL',
                                                 '_id' => '1.1',
                                                 'bodysubtype' => 'alternative',
                                                 '_prefix' => '1.1',
                                                 'bodytype' => 'MULTIPART',
                                                 'bodystructure' => [
                                                                      bless( {
                                                                               'bodyparms' => {
                                                                                                'charset' => 'utf-8'
                                                                               'bodyextra' => 'NIL',
                                                                               'bodyid' => 'NIL',
                                                                               'bodydisp' => 'NIL',
                                                                               '_id' => '1.1.1',
                                                                               'bodysubtype' => 'PLAIN',
                                                                               '_prefix' => '1.1.1',
                                                                               'bodysize' => '1971',
                                                                               'bodytype' => 'TEXT',
                                                                               'bodyMD5' => 'NIL',
                                                                               'textlines' => '74',
                                                                               'bodylang' => 'NIL',
                                                                               'bodydesc' => 'NIL',
                                                                               'bodyenc' => 'quoted-printable'
                                                                             }, 'Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure' ),
                                                                      bless( {
                                                                               'bodyparms' => {
                                                                                                'charset' => 'utf-8'
                                                                               'bodyextra' => 'NIL',
                                                                               'bodyid' => 'NIL',
                                                                               'bodydisp' => 'NIL',
                                                                               '_id' => '1.1.2',
                                                                               'bodysubtype' => 'HTML',
                                                                               '_prefix' => '1.1.2',
                                                                               'bodysize' => '23364',
                                                                               'bodytype' => 'TEXT',
                                                                               'bodyMD5' => 'NIL',
                                                                               'textlines' => '331',
                                                                               'bodylang' => 'NIL',
                                                                               'bodydesc' => 'NIL',
                                                                               'bodyenc' => 'quoted-printable'
                                                                             }, 'Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure' )
                                                 'bodyloc' => 'NIL',
                                                 'bodylang' => 'NIL'
                                               }, 'Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure' ),
                               '1' => bless( {
                                               'bodyparms' => {
                                                                'boundary' => '----=_NextPart_001_EA96_2BF8DEDE.32622D51'
                                               'bodyextra' => undef,
                                               'bodydisp' => 'NIL',
                                               '_id' => 1,
                                               'bodysubtype' => 'related',
                                               '_prefix' => 1,
                                               'bodytype' => 'MULTIPART',
                                               'bodystructure' => [
                                                                    bless( {
                                                                             'bodyparms' => 'NIL',
                                                                             'bodyid' => '<5dff39db-e81c-4410-be75-8662564fd328>',
                                                                             'bodyextra' => 'NIL',
                                                                             'bodydisp' => 'NIL',
                                                                             '_id' => '1.2',
                                                                             'bodysubtype' => 'jpeg',
                                                                             '_prefix' => '1.2',
                                                                             'bodysize' => '14406',
                                                                             'bodytype' => 'image',
                                                                             'bodyMD5' => 'NIL',
                                                                             'bodylang' => 'NIL',
                                                                             'bodydesc' => 'NIL',
                                                                             'bodyenc' => 'base64'
                                                                           }, 'Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure' ),
                                                                    bless( {
                                                                             'bodyparms' => 'NIL',
                                                                             'bodyid' => '<717f2ef4-f795-4d1c-87cc-283c9b0a59b0>',
                                                                             'bodyextra' => 'NIL',
                                                                             'bodydisp' => 'NIL',
                                                                             '_id' => '1.4',
                                                                             'bodysubtype' => 'gif',
                                                                             '_prefix' => '1.4',
                                                                             'bodysize' => '2912',
                                                                             'bodytype' => 'image',
                                                                             'bodyMD5' => 'NIL',
                                                                             'bodylang' => 'NIL',
                                                                             'bodydesc' => 'NIL',
                                                                             'bodyenc' => 'base64'
                                                                           }, 'Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure' )
                                               'bodyloc' => 'NIL',
                                               'bodylang' => 'NIL'
                                             }, 'Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure' ),
                               '1.2' => $VAR1->{'PartsIndex'}{'1'}{'bodystructure'}[1],
                               '1.1.2' => $VAR1->{'PartsIndex'}{'1.1'}{'bodystructure'}[1],
                               '2' => bless( {
                                               'bodyparms' => {
                                                                'name' => 'BKD-7361945220.pdf'
                                               'bodyid' => 'NIL',
                                               'bodyextra' => 'NIL',
                                               'bodydisp' => {
                                                               'attachment' => {
                                                                                 'filename' => 'BKD-7361945220.pdf'
                                               '_id' => 2,
                                               'bodysubtype' => 'octetstream',
                                               '_prefix' => 2,
                                               'bodysize' => '47540',
                                               'bodytype' => 'application',
                                               'bodyMD5' => 'NIL',
                                               'bodystructure' => [],
                                               'bodylang' => 'NIL',
                                               'bodydesc' => 'NIL',
                                               'bodyenc' => 'base64'
                                             }, 'Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure' ),
                               '1.4' => $VAR1->{'PartsIndex'}{'1'}{'bodystructure'}[3],
                               '1.1.1' => $VAR1->{'PartsIndex'}{'1.1'}{'bodystructure'}[0]
             '_prefix' => 'HEAD',
             'PartsList' => [
             'bodytype' => 'MULTIPART',
             'bodystructure' => [
             'bodyloc' => 'NIL',
             'bodylang' => 'NIL'
           }, 'Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure' );

As you can see none of the values are guaranteed to be part of every part on the PartsIndex and some them are nested.

variable of interest for each PartsIndex item: bodytype bodysubtype bodyenc


3 回答 3



use strictures;
use Mail::IMAPClient qw();
use Courriel qw();

sub walk_parts {
    my ($obj, $callback) = @_;
    if ($obj->is_multipart) {
        for my $part ($obj->parts) {
            walk_parts($part, $callback);
    } else {

my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(
) or die $@;

my $folders = $imap->folders
    or die $imap->LastError;

    or die $imap->LastError;

my @messages = $imap->messages
    or die $imap->LastError;

for my $id (@messages) {
    my $raw = $imap->message_string($id)
        or die $imap->LastError;
    my $email = Courriel->parse(text => $raw);
    walk_parts $email, sub {
        my ($part) = @_;
        my $content = $part->content;
        my $type = $part->mime_type;
于 2012-07-01T22:04:23.413 回答

我尝试使用几个预构建的模块,但它们有太多的依赖项并且很难使用。此解决方案在原始解决方案之外不添加任何依赖项。我也遇到了 libMagic 依赖项的问题,见上文,我不希望任何使用我的程序的人也必须处理这个问题。

您必须为主要父母调用两次 decode ,然后为每个孩子调用一次。由于这个 $imap->get_bodystructure($msg); 包含您需要的所有信息,为什么要在不需要的地方添加依赖项。花了好几个小时才弄清楚如何手动解码,但这是值得的。

您可以将所需的任何解码器添加到 decode() 子例程。我只需要解码其中的 text/html 和 base64 编码版本。IMAPClient 函数为您提供所有父母和孩子的列表,因此您不必自己制作列表。棘手的部分是你可以有任意数量的父母,每个父母都有任意数量的孩子,但只有孩子包含有用的数据。可以忽略父母,因为它们的许多值是空白、undef 或“NIL”(字面意思)。事实上,大量变量的值为“NIL”。即使是电子邮件客户端可以为用户回答的问题,例如 bodyMD5 和 bodylang,通常也等于“NIL”。由于大量使用“NIL”解析和使用其他字段可能是徒劳的。


 use Mail::IMAPClient;
 use MIME::Base64;
 use MIME::Parser;

sub decode  {
($process, $imap) =@_;
if ($process->bodytype eq "TEXT") {
   print "\n Text SubType:".$process->bodysubtype;
   if ($process->bodyenc eq "base64") {
        return decode_base64($imap->bodypart_string($msg,$process->id));
   elsif (index(" -7bit- -8bit- -quoted-printable- ",lc($process->bodyenc)) !=-1  ) {
        return $imap->bodypart_string($msg,$process->id);
print "\n==========Insert new decoder here============";
print "\n".$imap->bodypart_string($msg,$process->id);
print "\n=================================================";


return "";

#insert your login code with credentials here

$imap->select( $sfolder )
or die "Select '$Opt{sfolder}' error: ", $imap->LastError, "\n";

my @msgs = $imap->messages or die "Could not messages: $@\n";

foreach $msg (@msgs) {

my $raw = $imap->message_string($msg)
    or die $imap->LastError;

$struct = $imap->get_bodystructure($msg);

#MULTIPART is a container designation and does not contain anything useful by itself.
#However it will still process all of the children that have content
if ($struct->bodytype ne "MULTIPART") { print "\n BodyEnc:".$struct->bodyenc();}

#do not insert blanks.
if ($rDecode ne "" && (length($rDecode)>2)) {push(@mail,$rDecode); }

foreach $dumpme ($struct->bodystructure()) {
if ($dumpme->bodytype() eq "MULTIPART") {next;}

#do not insert blanks.
if (($rDecode ne "") && (length($rDecode)>2) ) {
push(@mail,$rDecode); }


于 2012-07-08T04:02:23.587 回答

您需要一个 MIME 解析器。不幸的是,即使那样,您也需要自己进行一些规范化,因为在 MIME 中有多种表示相同数据的方法。

于 2012-07-01T07:15:54.593 回答