I'm trying to create an array of functors at compile time, like so: (complete file):
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
function< float( float tElevation, float pAzimuth )> colorFunctions[] = {
[]( float tElevation, float pAzimuth ) -> float {
return 2.0f ;
} ;
int main()
That works fine. But as soon as you try to create a local inside the functor block, like this:
function< float( float tElevation, float pAzimuth )> colorFunctions[] = {
[]( float tElevation, float pAzimuth ) -> float {
float v = 2.0f ;
return v ;
} ;
You get Error 1 error C1506: unrecoverable block scoping error
How can I declare locals inside these blocks? It doesn't seem to work.