Hello the following code is a wordfeud program. It allows you to search through a list of words matching a prefix, suffix, and some letters. My question is, instead of using the list at the bottom, I want to use a external text file containing the words and load it into the list. How do I go about doing this?
count :: String -> String -> Int
count _[] = 0
count [] _ = 0
count (x:xs) square
|x `elem` square = 1 + count xs (delete x square)
|otherwise = count xs square
check :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Bool
check prefix suffix word square
| (length strippedWord) == (count strippedWord square) = True
| otherwise = False
strippedWord = drop (length prefix) (take ((length word ) - (length suffix)) word)
wordfeud :: String -> String -> String -> [String]
wordfeud a b c = test1
test =["horse","chair","chairman","bag","house","mouse","dirt","sport"]
test1 = [x| x <- test, a `isPrefixOf` x, b `isSuffixOf` x, check a b x c]