Edit - so it seems preventDefault() cancels all of the default behaviours(makes sense actually) - The first solution I presented turns out to be not a solution at all.
So, this actually proves quite hard to do.
After some searching I've come to the conclusion that it's not possible to cancel the scroll without also canceling the links default behaviour (hence the default in .preventDefault()
What you can do is scroll back to where you were after the links scrolling is done, but even if you do it as soon as you possibly can, you'll still be able to see the scrolls hapenning on the browser - so it's an ugly solution. (you can see it here anyway - http://jsfiddle.net/joplomacedo/RpDyc/ ).
So, alternatives? Since as your doing it (I assume here you're using the :target pseudo class) you still need javascript, then forget the :target stuff and rely on javascript alone. It's simpler, cleaner and less 'hacky'.
Here's how I'd do it (jquery) -> http://jsfiddle.net/joplomacedo/AfzJY/
If you however insist on doing it with CSS then I'd recommend doing it as Chris Coyier suggests here by taking advantage not of :target but :checked. I won't further develop here since his article does that pretty well.
Before Edit
Are you using jquery? If so all you'd need is this:
$('a[href="#accordion1"]').on('click', function (e) {
If you're not using jquery then here's how to do it with pure javascript:
var cancels_links = document.getElementsByClassName('cancels-link');
var cancel = function cancel(e) {
for (var i = 0, max = cancels_links.length; i < max; i++) {
cancels_links[i].addEventListener('click', cancel, false );
...this one requires you to add class="cancels-link"
to each 'a' element who's default behaviour you want to cancel.
Here's a fiddle with the two solutions -> http://jsfiddle.net/cBQnv/3/