(我更喜欢使用的 LISPism):
let unwind ~(protect:'a -> unit) f x =
try let y = f x in protect x; y
with e -> protect x; raise e
这是一个简单的包装器,它不能正确解释 ; 中引发的异常protect
一个经过全面检查的包装器,即使它本身失败也确保只调用一次可能是Yaron Minski 的,或者我认为更清晰的这个:
let unwind ~protect f x =
let module E = struct type 'a t = Left of 'a | Right of exn end in
let res = try E.Left (f x) with e -> E.Right e in
let () = protect x in
match res with
| E.Left y -> y
| E.Right e -> raise e
let with_input_channel inch f =
unwind ~protect:close_in f inch
let with_output_channel otch f =
unwind ~protect:close_out f otch
let with_input_file fname =
with_input_channel (open_in fname)
let with_output_file fname =
with_output_channel (open_out fname)
是我觉得高阶编程更方便;特别是,通过定义一个应用程序运算符à la Haskell,我可以写:
let () = with_output_file "foo.txt" $ fun otch ->
output_string otch "hello, world";
(* ... *)
let with_open_graph spec (proc : int -> int -> unit) =
unwind ~protect:Graphics.close_graph (fun () ->
proc (Graphics.size_x ()) (Graphics.size_y ());
ignore (Graphics.wait_next_event [Graphics.Button_down]);
ignore (Graphics.wait_next_event [Graphics.Button_up]))
(Graphics.open_graph spec)
可以与类似的调用一起使用with_open_graph " 400x300" $ fun width height -> (*...*)