
无法解决等于操作中“Latin1_General_CI_AI”和“SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS”之间的排序规则冲突。Severity 16 State 9 on debugging 我看到问题出在两个表之间的连接中,其中一个表被一个临时表填充。奇怪的是,我在测试环境中没有收到错误,但是在实时生产服务器上出现了这个错误



1 回答 1

i am getting the change to answer my own question
well the problem was related to collation type of databases,
in my proc i was useing temp tables by "create table #temptable" , 
now by some searching i found that #temptable is having the collation type of temp database which is different from my database, 
after changing the script to "select * into #temptable" ,I got that now #temptable is having same the collation as of my database, so that's how issue get resolved.
not sure this is the only reason behind the problem but it resolve my issue.
于 2012-07-02T06:11:08.237 回答