function ndex_treat(n) {
// If element is ELEMENT_NODE
// If element node has child, we pass them to function ndex_treat
for(var i= 0; i<n.childNodes.length; i++)
// If element is TEXT_NODE we replace [ndex ...]
else if(n.nodeType==3)
var matches, elemNdex, elemText;
// While there is one
// Taking what's before (matches[1]), the "attribute" (matches[2]) and what's after (matches[3])
matches= n.nodeValue.match(/^([\s\S]*?)\[ndex\s+(.*?)\]([\s\S]*)$/m)
// Creating a node <span class="ndex-to-replace" title="..."></span> and inserting it before current text node element
elemNdex= document.createElement("span");
elemNdex.className= 'ndex-to-replace';
elemNdex.title= matches[2];
n.parentNode.insertBefore(elemNdex, n);
// If there was text before [ndex ...] we add it as a node before
elemText = document.createTextNode(matches[1]);
elemNdex.parentNode.insertBefore(elemText, elemNdex);
// We replace content of current node with what was after [ndex ...]
// Get the elements we want to scan ( being sharper would be better )
// Passing them to function ndex_treat
// Make the ajax calls
// Don't know if necessary
var current= this;
我用 node 而不是 jquery 替换,因为我发现用 jquery 在 textNode 上工作相当糟糕。如果您不在乎并且宁愿以野蛮人的方式行事,则可以简单地替换所有第一部分:
// Get the elements we want to scan ( being sharper would be better )
// With no " in argument of [ndex ...]
$(this).html( $(this).html().replace(/\[ndex\s+([^"]*?)\]/mg,'<span class="ndex-to-replace" title="$1"></span>') );
// With no ' in argument of [ndex ...]
//$(this).html( $(this).html().replace(/\[ndex\s+([^']*?)\]/mg,'<span class="ndex-to-replace" title='$1'></span>') );
// Make the ajax calls
/* ... */