我正在学习...我已经阅读了http://www.w3schools.com上的教程,浏览了 www.php.net 上的手册,并且对一切工作原理有了很好的理解。但是我对如何构建我的页面感到困惑。哪些内容应该放在同一个页面上,哪些内容应该有自己的页面并且只包含/需要?



a.php 这是用户在输入 www.mydomain.com/a.php 时看到的页面


<?php require("b.php"); ?>
// this requires that the page gets b.php and puts it here

<p>Name: <?php echo $row['firstname']; ?></p>
<p>Last Name: <?php echo $row['lastname']; ?></p>


b.php 此页面包含/需要在 a.php 中


// this connects to my database

$query = ("SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE contacttype IN ('Buyer','Seller','Buyer / Seller','Investor') AND leadstatus = 'New' ORDER BY date DESC"); 
$result = $mysqli->query($query) or die ("Error: ".mysqli_error($mysqli));
while ($row = $result->fetch_array()) {
// this fetches the data I want from the table in my db while all cases match above

$firstname = $row ['firstname'];     
$lastname = $row['lastname'];
// these are the rows in the table I want to fetch 

echo "First Name: " . $firstname . " " .$lastname ."<br />";
// this is how I want the data presented



1) 在构建这些页面时,使用函数对我有什么好处,或者它们对我没有好处?

2) 我不能省略echob.php 上的行,然后像下面那样调用 a.php 中的行并输入一个foreach语句吗?我实际上对此进行了测试,并且一直收到意外的 $end 错误,所以我不确定这是否不是一个好方法或者我做错了什么?


<?php require("b.php"); ?>
// this requires that the page gets b.php and puts it here

<p>Name: <?php echo $firstname; ?></p>
<p>Last Name: <?php echo $lastname; ?></p>


3) 假设我添加了一些 if/else 语句,如下所示,我应该将它们放在 b.php 中还是将它们放在它们自己的文件 c.php 中,然后在 b.php 中添加一个包含?

if(isset($_GET['leadstatus']) && $_GET['leadstatus'] == "All")
$query = "SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE contacttype IN ('Buyer','Seller','Buyer / Seller','Investor') ORDER BY contacts.date DESC";  
elseif (in_array($_GET['leadstatus'], array('New', 'Hot', 'Warm', 'Cold', 'Rejected', 'Closed')))
$status = $_GET['leadstatus'];   
$query = "SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE leadstatus = '".$status."' AND contacttype IN ('Buyer','Seller','Buyer / Seller','Investor') ORDER BY contacts.date DESC";

4)在我$querySELECT * FROM contacts WHERE contacttype IN ('Buyer','Seller','Buyer / Seller','Investor')而不是在每个 if/else 语句中输入它,或者说我需要添加另一个字段,例如“Renter”,我可以做类似的事情:

$type = ('Buyer','Seller','Buyer / Seller','Investor')

$query = ("SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE contacttype = $type AND leadstatus = 'New' ORDER BY date DESC"); 

if (($_GET['date'] == 'today'))
$$query = "SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE contacttype = $type AND date = DATE(NOW()) ORDER BY date DESC";

if (($_GET['date'] == 'thisweek'))
$thisweek = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('last sunday'));
$query = "SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE contacttype = $type AND date BETWEEN '$thisweek' AND '$thisweek' + INTERVAL 7 DAY ORDER BY date DESC";

1 回答 1




于 2012-06-30T01:36:34.817 回答