Java 和最近的 .Net 更新能够实现流布局——布局管理器重新排列表单控件以适应可用空间。
我只见过使用硬编码绝对位置的 VBA 和 WinForms。
我有一个这样布置的表格。我的所有控件都根据它们的垂直位置依次命名:txt_R1、txt_R2、txt_R3 等...
Dim s_tier As String
Dim s_rate As String
Dim s_lbl_Rate As String
Dim s_lbl_Tier As String
Dim s_obj As String
Me.TXT_Min.Visible = True
Me.LBL_MIN.Visible = True
Me.TXT_Min.Value = 0
Me.TXT_Scale.Visible = True
Me.lbl_Scale.Visible = True
Me.TXT_Scale.Value = 0
Me.txt_MinMax.Visible = True
Me.lbl_MinMax.Visible = True
Me.txt_MinMax.Value = 0
s_tier = "TXT_T"
s_rate = "TXT_R"
s_lbl_Rate = "LBL_R"
s_lbl_Tier = "LBL_T"
For i = 1 To numActive
'Tier Text Box
s_obj = s_tier & i
Me(s_obj).Visible = True
Me(s_obj).Value = "NULL"
'Tier Label
s_obj = s_lbl_Tier & i
Me(s_obj).Visible = True
'Rate Text Box
s_obj = s_rate & i
Me(s_obj).Visible = True
Me(s_obj).Value = "NULL"
'Rate Label
s_obj = s_lbl_Rate & i
Me(s_obj).Visible = True
Next i
'set last tier to infinite, since last tier typically goes on forever
s_obj = s_tier & numActive
Me(s_obj).Value = ChrW(&H221E)
Me(s_obj).FontSize = 16
'Make Test button visible and move to appropriate place
s_obj = s_lbl_Tier & (numActive + 1)
Me.Btn_Test.Top = Me(s_obj).Top
Me.Btn_Test.Left = Me(s_obj).Left
Me.Btn_Test.Visible = True
s_obj = s_tier & (numActive + 1)
'Make Test button visible and move to appropriate place
Me.btn_SQL.Top = Me(s_obj).Top
Me.btn_SQL.Left = Me(s_obj).Left
Me.btn_SQL.Visible = True
for i = 1 to numactive
一段代码。循环结束后,所有静态控件都可见。我可以将 numactive 变量添加 1 以确定第一个不可见控件的位置,并将我的“浮动”控件锚定到该位置。
Access 2007 及更高版本通过锚定实现此功能:使控件在调整窗体大小时拉伸、缩小或移动
如果您想在早期版本中执行此操作,您可以使用表单的 On Resize 事件自行滚动。
WinForms 当然有FlowLayoutPanel和TableLayoutPanel ..
MSDN 上有一个AutoLayout for Winforms 的示例。