我刚刚在 Apache+Mono 下设置了 Cruisecontrol.Net 服务器,并将源控制指向我的 GitHub 项目。我提交并推送了它,但 CC 没有检测到更改,即使它在输出中报告了这些更改:
[MyProject:INFO] [Git] Calling git log origin/test --date-order --name-status -c "--after=Fri, 29 Jun 2012 12:19:25 GMT" "--before=Fri, 29 Jun 2012 13:12:24 GMT" --pretty=format:"Commit:%H%nTime:%ci%nAuthor:%an%nE-Mail:%ae%nMessage:%s%n%n%b%nChanges:"
[MyProject:DEBUG] Starting process [git] in working directory [/home/ccnet/MyProject/build] with arguments [log origin/test --date-order --name-status -c "--after=Fri, 29 Jun 2012 12:19:25 GMT" "--before=Fri, 29 Jun 2012 13:12:24 GMT" --pretty=format:"Commit:%H%nTime:%ci%nAuthor:%an%nE-Mail:%ae%nMessage:%s%n%n%b%nChanges:"]
[MyProject:DEBUG] Not setting PriorityClass on [/home/ccnet/MyProject/build/git] to default Normal
[511:DEBUG] [MyProject git] process exited event received
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] Commit:3d386b1277003c83c63e7e13bde2803bfe952d40
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] Time:2012-06-29 14:00:34 +0100
[510:DEBUG] [MyProject git] standard-error stream closed -- null received in event
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] Author:Robin Elvin
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] E-Mail:rob@-------.com
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] Message:Merge branch 'master' into test
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git]
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git]
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] Changes:
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git]
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] Commit:fc134027f059a1dada0295bbd2d04cbea6eeb57b
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] Time:2012-06-29 14:00:24 +0100
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] Author:Robin Elvin
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] E-Mail:rob@-------.com
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] Message:Set complete status on sync and fix tests (issue #2 #3)
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git]
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git]
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] Changes:
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] M File1
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] M File2
[509:DEBUG] [MyProject git] M File3
[507:DEBUG] [MyProject git] standard-output stream closed -- null received in event
[MyProject:INFO] No modifications detected.
<sourcecontrol type="git">
<intervalTrigger name="continuous" seconds="30" buildCondition="IfModificationExists"/>