I'm new to iOS developing, I haven't used earlier versions of XCode.

Yet I have stored my project on my local hd. Now I want to use some online subversion service.

I cannot seem to find the appropriate options in XCode. The hints that I googled all refer to a menu called SCM which I don't seem to have.

I created a new and empty repository online (webbased) and tried to configure XCode to use it by selecting the "Connect to a repository" menu when xcode starts. After some tweeking in the command line this "connect to a repository" succeeded but afterwards XCode simply closed itself again.

I tried copying the files that belong to my project to the path that I set up to be used with SVN manually. I opened the project in XCode from that path and after adding another file wanted to commit that change but couldn't find how to do that from within XCode.

Now I found that in XCode / Organizer / Repositories / MyProject is listed but has the type "GIT", which is wrong.

Do I have to change the repository type to SVN instead of GIT? If so, how can I?


1 回答 1


创建项目时,可以选择将项目置于源代码控制之下。此选项创建一个 git 存储库并默认选中。

要使用 SVN,您必须将项目导入 SVN 存储库。(而且您可能不希望它同时位于 git 和 svn 下,因此您要么删除 .git 文件夹,要么在不选择 scm 选项的情况下重新创建项目。)将项目导入到您的存储库后您确保 Xcode 知道存储库,并且您可以检查项目。

但实际上我建议只使用 Git。它是一个现代的版本控制系统,有很多不错的功能(尽管做很多不寻常的事情需要使用命令行),并且有很多不错的项目托管网站,比如GitHub。我不认为 SVN 与 git 相比非常好。

于 2012-06-29T14:08:38.233 回答