我有一些代码可以将 Razor 模板动态编译成一个程序集,我使用一组权限(不能访问文件等)执行该程序集。
这适用于我们的开发计算机和我们的测试服务器(Windows 2008 IIS7 x64 .NET 4)。但在我们的生产服务器(相同规格)上,它给出了错误:
“加载此程序集会产生与其他实例不同的授权集。(来自 HRESULT 的异常:0x80131401)”
这是代码: -
public static SandboxContext Create(string pathToUntrusted, List<Assembly> references)
AppDomainSetup adSetup = new AppDomainSetup();
adSetup.ShadowCopyFiles = "true";
var dir = new DirectoryInfo(pathToUntrusted);
String tempPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), dir.Name + "_shadow");
adSetup.CachePath = tempPath;
// Our sandbox needs access to this assembly.
string AccessPath = Path.Combine(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath, "bin\\CommonInterfaces.WebPages.dll");
System.IO.File.Copy(AccessPath, Path.Combine(pathToUntrusted, "CommonInterfaces.WebPages.dll"), true);
var baseDir = Path.GetFullPath(pathToUntrusted);
adSetup.ApplicationBase = baseDir;
adSetup.PrivateBinPath = baseDir;
adSetup.PartialTrustVisibleAssemblies =
new string[] {
//Setting the permissions for the AppDomain. We give the permission to execute and to
//read/discover the location where the untrusted code is loaded.
PermissionSet permSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
permSet.AddPermission(new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution));
//We want the sandboxer assembly's strong name, so that we can add it to the full trust list.
StrongName fullTrustAssembly = typeof(Sandboxer).Assembly.Evidence.GetHostEvidence<StrongName>();
Evidence evidence = new Evidence();
//Now we have everything we need to create the AppDomain, so let's create it.
AppDomain newDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Sandbox", evidence, adSetup, permSet, fullTrustAssembly);
ObjectHandle handle = Activator.CreateInstanceFrom(
newDomain, typeof(Sandboxer).Assembly.ManifestModule.FullyQualifiedName,
//Unwrap the new domain instance into a reference in this domain and use it to execute the
//untrusted code.
var newDomainInstance = (Sandboxer)handle.Unwrap();
return new SandboxContext(newDomain, newDomainInstance);
任何想法为什么它会在一台服务器上有所不同?我刚刚在损坏的服务器上安装了所有出色的 Windows 更新,但没有帮助。
如果我将 PermissionSet 更改为: -
PermissionSet permSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted);