我第一次尝试用 C 编程,并将其应用于一些具体的东西......

我正在创建的解决问题的程序处理一个while循环。该程序的目标是计算一组卡车每加仑的平均英里数。我希望它在输入 -1 作为消耗的加仑数后立即终止,但我必须输入两次,一次输入加仑数,一次输入英里数。我发现这个输入实际上被用作结果计算的一部分。这是代码:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()

    int tanks, miles;
    float gallons = 0, average = 0, miles_per_gallon = 0;
    tanks = 0;

    while (gallons != -1) {

            tanks += 1;
            miles_per_gallon = (float)miles / gallons;
            average = average + miles_per_gallon;
            printf("The miles / gallon for this tank was %.3f\n",

            printf("Enter the gallons used (-1 to end): ");
            scanf("%f", &gallons);

            printf("Enter the miles driven: ");
            scanf("%d", &miles);

    average /= tanks;
    printf("The overall average miles/gallon was %.3f", average);
    return 0;


Enter the gallons used (-1 to end): 12.3
Enter the miles driven: 700
The miles / gallon for this tank was 56.911
Enter the gallons used (-1 to end): 13.4
Enter the miles driven: 666
The miles / gallon for this tank was 49.701
Enter the gallons used (-1 to end): 17.3
Enter the miles driven: 644
The miles / gallon for this tank was 37.225
Enter the gallons used (-1 to end): 15.5
Enter the miles driven: 777
The miles / gallon for this tank was 50.129
Enter the gallons used (-1 to end): -1
Enter the miles driven: -1
The miles / gallon for this tank was 1.000
The overall average miles/gallon was 38.993



4 回答 4



for (;;) { /* This is a "forwver" loop; we break out from the middle */

        tanks += 1;
        miles_per_gallon = (float)miles / gallons;
        average = average + miles_per_gallon;
        printf("The miles / gallon for this tank was %.3f\n",

        printf("Enter the gallons used (-1 to end): ");
        scanf("%f", &gallons);

        /* This is where you break from the loop: */
        if (gallons == -1) return 0;

        printf("Enter the miles driven: ");
        scanf("%d", &miles);
于 2012-06-29T02:46:53.170 回答

好吧,您应该能够自己解决,如果您只是更改循环或在加仑输入后添加 if 语句,这很容易

while (gallons != -1) {

        tanks += 1;
        miles_per_gallon = ( float ) miles / gallons;
        average = average + miles_per_gallon;
        printf("The miles / gallon for this tank was %.3f\n", miles_per_gallon);

        printf("Enter the gallons used (-1 to end): ");
        scanf("%f", &gallons);

             printf("Program terminated");
            return 0;

        printf("Enter the miles driven: ");
        scanf("%d", &miles);
于 2012-06-29T02:46:41.940 回答

读取加仑数后检查退出条件。我对您的代码进行了一些更改 --- 因为您只是在阅读加仑后才中断,所以我将 while 条件更改为 true。其次,我将您的测试更改为 <=0,就好像输入 0 一样,除以0它会破坏您的数学运算,小于 0 的任何东西都没有任何意义。第三,我在读取值后将计算和报告更改为,所以你不要除以零

  while (1) {

    printf("Enter the gallons used (-1 to end): ");
    scanf("%f", &gallons);
    if(gallons <= 0) break;

    printf("Enter the miles driven: ");
    scanf("%d", &miles);

    tanks += 1;
    miles_per_gallon = ( float ) miles / gallons;
    average = average + miles_per_gallon;
    printf("The miles / gallon for this tank was %.3f\n", miles_per_gallon);
于 2012-06-29T02:51:57.463 回答
while (gallons != -1) {
        /* snip */

        printf("Enter the gallons used (-1 to end): ");
        scanf("%f", &gallons);

        printf("Enter the miles driven: ");
        scanf("%d", &miles);


while (gallons != -1) {
        /* snip */

        printf("Enter the gallons used (-1 to end): ");
        scanf("%f", &gallons);

        if (gallons == -1)
            break;  /* exit the while loop */

        printf("Enter the miles driven: ");
        scanf("%d", &miles);


于 2012-06-29T02:50:34.587 回答