我正在按照从 jQuery 文档中创作插件的说明进行操作。我试图将我的调用保持在与它们在第 6.1 节中指示的相同的命名空间中,但是我还需要能够通过每个调用传递更多选项。


    method: 'method1',
    option1: 'option1',
    option2: 'option2'


(function($) {

    var methods = {
        init: function(options) {
        method1: function(options) {
            var settings = $.extend({
                'option1' = 'option default',
                'option2' = 'option 2 default'
            }, options);
            //use settings for given method ex: settings.option1, settings.option2

    $.fn.myFunction(options) {
        //method logic
        if(methods[options.method]) {
            return methods[options.method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); //I'm thinking I need to do something here to pass through the options to the methods???
        } else if (typeof options.method === 'object' || !options.method) {
            return methods.init.apply(this, arguments); //or possibly here?
        } else {
            $.error('Method ' + options.method + ' does not exist on jQuery.myFunction');

我已经有一段时间没有进行前端 Web 开发了,并且正在尝试重新了解它,但是方法逻辑部分让我有些困惑。我需要了解methods[options.method].apply(). 我知道这是每个方法被调用的地方,但我不确定其他选项将在哪里传递。


我已经阅读了更多关于发生了什么的内容,apply()并相信它通过了对象和任何其他参数。我尝试将其更改为,methods[options.method].apply(this, options);但这似乎并没有纠正我的问题。



 var methods = {
    init: function(options) {
    method1: function(element, options) {
        var settings = $.extend({
            'option1' = 'option default',
            'option2' = 'option 2 default'
        }, options);
        //use settings for given method ex: settings.option1, settings.option2
         element.each(function() {


$.fn.myFunction(options) {
    //method logic
    if(methods[options.method]) {
        return methods[options.method](this, options); // apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); //I'm thinking I need to do something here to pass through the options to the methods???
    } else if (typeof options.method === 'object' || !options.method) {
        return methods.init.apply(this, options); // arguments); //or possibly here?
    } else {
        $.error('Method ' + options.method + ' does not exist on jQuery.myFunction');



1 回答 1



// keep all your code in a closure
    // name your plugin - try to make it unique
    $.fn.wTooltip = function(option, settings)
        // check if user is setting/getting properties manually after plugin creation
        if(typeof option === 'object')
            settings = option;
        else if(typeof option === 'string')
            var data = this.data('_wTooltip');

            // this will check if plugin has already been initialized for this element
                if($.fn.wTooltip.defaultSettings[option] !== undefined)
                    if(settings !== undefined){
                        if(option == 'title') data.content.html(settings);
                        data.settings[option] = settings;
                        return true;
                    else return data.settings[option];
                else return false;
            else return false;

        // extend user settings with default settings
        settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.wTooltip.defaultSettings, settings || {});

        // iterate through all elements and return them to maintain jQuery method chaining
        return this.each(function()
            var elem = $(this);

            // create copy of settings object allowing us to make individual adjustments
            // this ensures that only values for current element are changed
            var $settings = jQuery.extend(true, {}, settings);
            $settings.title = settings.title || elem.attr('title') || 'No title set';

            // create a tooltip object
            var tooltip = new Tooltip($settings);

            // we would typically run our generation code here

            // run some code here
            // try to keep as much of the main code in the prototype methods as possible
            // focus on just setting up the plugin and calling proper methods from here

            // store the tooltip object for later reference - setters/getters
            elem.data('_wTooltip', tooltip);

    // provide default settings
    // setting it up like this allows a developer to modify defaults like so:
    // $.fn.wTooltip.defaultSettings.color = 'white';
    $.fn.wTooltip.defaultSettings = {
        position    : 'mouse',
        color       : 'black'

    // create our tooltip "class"
    // this will store the unique individual properties for each tooltip
    function Tooltip(settings)
        this.tooltip = null;
        this.settings = settings;

        return this;

    // prototype the tooltip class
    // this will contain methods shared amongst all tooltips
    // DO NOT keep any unique tooltip properties here
    Tooltip.prototype = 
        generate: function()
            // use local reference of this
            // this will be important when using in other closures like event closures
            var $this = this;

            // return the tooltip in case its already been defined for the current element 
            if($this.tooltip) return $this.tooltip;


        someFunc: function()


于 2012-06-28T17:08:09.180 回答