编辑 2: Pastebin 链接到完整的 ball、bat 和 AIbat 类。
编辑:我已经更新了 turbo 代码,只是对它进行了更好的评论。我还有一个指向我在 Pastebin 中的所有 GameplayScreen 代码的链接,因为我不想用它来淹没这个页面。
1)球减速(工作) 2)屏幕变成黑白(工作) 3 蝙蝠减速(不工作)
我只是使用“速度”变量调整球的速度,一切正常。我正在尝试对球棒做同样的事情,但在比赛过程中速度没有变化。然而,当我调试时,在激活电源后,我可以将鼠标悬停在速度变量上,并看到它已从默认速度7.0f 更改为30.0f,但游戏本身没有发生明显的变化。
我还在屏幕上运行调试,显示球棒和球的速度,我注意到球的速度会相应变化,他的右球棒(AiBat)也是如此。它移动到 30。
Class bat
/// <summary>
/// Controls the bat moving up the screen
/// </summary>
public void MoveUp()
SetPosition(Position + new Vector2(0, -moveSpeed * elapsedTime));
/// <summary>
/// Updates the position of the AI bat, in order to track the ball
/// </summary>
public virtual void UpdatePosition(Ball ball, GameTime gameTime)
size.X = (int)Position.X;
size.Y = (int)Position.Y;
elapsedTime = 50.0f * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
// Just here for debugging. Hitting Z WORKS FINE and slows the bats down
previous = current;
current = Keyboard.GetState();
if (current.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z))
elapsedTime = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds * 5.0f;
Class GameplayScreen
private int disableCooldown;
private int coolDown;
private int powerDisableCooldown = 2000;
private int powerEnableCooldown = 5000;
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, bool otherScreenHasFocus, bool coveredByOtherScreen)
// Updating bat position
leftBat.UpdatePosition(ball, gameTime);
rightBat.UpdatePosition(ball, gameTime);
if (gScaleActivated == true)
leftBat.moveSpeed = 30.0f;
rightBat.moveSpeed = 30.0f;
// If spaceBar is down and the turbo bar is not empty, activate turbo. If not, turbo remains off
if (input.ActivateTurbo(ControllingPlayer))
if (disableCooldown > 0)
leftBat.isTurbo = true;
coolDown = powerEnableCooldown;
leftBat.moveSpeed = 30.0f;
disableCooldown -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
// If spacebar is not down, begin to refill the turbo bar
coolDown -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
// If the coolDown timer is not in effect, then the bat can use Turbo again
if (coolDown < 0)
disableCooldown = powerDisableCooldown;
// Makes sure that if Turbo is on, it is killd it after () seconds
if (leftBat.isTurbo)
disableCooldown -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
/// <summary>
/// Logic to trigger Powerups
/// </summary>
private void PowerupActivated(object sender, PowerupEventArgs e)
case PowerupType.SlowMo:
gScaleActivated = true;
// Activates the SlowMo and grayscale effect for the powerup.
public void SlowMo(bool gScaleActivated)
gScaleActivated = true;