在我们的 sprint 中,我们发现我们需要完成一些不可预见但绝对必要的任务才能完成。

您如何将这些作为最佳实践来处理?我应该在 sprint backlog 上创建这个任务并将完成的时间放入其中吗?或者我应该将这些额外的时间添加到我最初正在处理的任务中吗?


4 回答 4


Unforseen tasks will always be there.

As a developer, please raise it in the upcoming Standup meeting (Daily Scrum). Make it visible on the scrum board. Make sure your Product Owner/Stakeholder knows this ad-hoc requirement. Ask your Product owner to de-commit the low-prio user story in order to accommodate such high-prio urgent tasks.

This will lead to consistent Velocity of the Team. Such ad-hoc tasks will be known to Product Owner so no conflict at the end of Sprint. Tasks with equivalent complexity will be de-committed, therefore developer will not be overloaded or pressurised.

于 2012-07-03T15:11:17.520 回答

在 sprint 会话期间为故事创建的任务仅仅是开始。新任务通常被确定为实现故事的一部分。如果超过 3 小时,我通常建议添加它们。我们通常不会在 Scrum 团队中跟踪完成的小时数,但我们会投入剩余的精力。这很有用,因为它更新了我们用来跟踪 sprint 进度的 Sprint 燃尽报告。如果这是一项小任务,并且将剩余的工作添加为另一项任务的一部分是有意义的,那么它也可以。我建议将您的任务控制在 2 天以内。如果一项任务的剩余工作量超过 2 天,您应该想办法将其分解为更小的步骤。

Martin Rajotte - Incycle Software 的 Scrum 教练和 TFS 专家

于 2012-06-28T19:56:28.257 回答

First thing: If there's something that you have to do in order to complete the sprint, do it, and make sure to record it.

That means that if you are discovering a new task required to complete a story, add it to the story, make note of the increased remaining tasks (or hours) in your burndown chart, and mark it as unplanned work.

If this is a task that is unrelated to any story that you are currently committed to, you should (assuming that you really must) do it, record it, and mark it (unplanned). You should consider adding a story that describes the reason (who & why) you're doing it.

The important thing, is to analyze the unplanned work during your retrospective; you should strive to minimize these occurrences, by spending more effort on planning, and communicating the importance of the stability of the sprint (as may be the case).

In any case, I'd advise against a dogma of "we're agile / doing scrum, so we can't do it in this sprint". Be really agile, and inspect, learn and adapt.

于 2012-06-29T07:06:32.523 回答

总会有意想不到的任务。不确定性的锥体在这一事实中非常清楚,Scrum 承认这一点。冲刺计划被描述为确定要完成的工作和开始的计划。

Scrum 甚至消除了对任务和时间的期望,因为团队很可能使用不同的机制(例如 ATDD)来监控他们的进度。


于 2012-06-28T16:29:36.917 回答