Commons BeanUtils getMatchingAccessibleMethod finds a match, but not the best possible match.

Consider this simple example:

public class TestReflection extends TestCase {

  public static class BeanA {
    private DataX data;
    public BeanA setData(DataX x) {
      System.out.println("setData x");
      return this;
    public BeanA setData(DataY y) {
      System.out.println("setData y");
      return this;

  static class DataX {
  static class DataY extends DataX {
  static class DataZ extends DataY {

  public void testPropertyUtils() {
    try {
      BeanA a = new BeanA();
      System.out.println("--- setters:");
      a.setData(new DataX());
      a.setData(new DataY());
      a.setData(new DataZ());
      System.out.println("--- invokeMethod");
      MethodUtils.invokeMethod(a, "setData", new DataZ());
    } catch (Exception e) {

(Hint: invokeMethod uses getMatchingAccessibleMethod)

The above code outputs

--- setters:
setData x
setData y
setData y
--- invokeMethod
setData x

The last line shoud say "setData y" because the best match for calling "setData" with a DataZ object should be the one with DataY in the interface (just like setData(new DataZ()) does).

Is there a way to find the best possible match or do I have to code that myself?


1 回答 1


我只是好奇它在 MethodUtils.java 中是如何工作的,所以我看了看里面。为了确定应该使用哪种方法作为最佳匹配,每种方法都将获得成本。要计算成本,有一种方法(带有一些额外的 dbg 输出):

 * Gets the number of steps required needed to turn the source class into the 
 * destination class. This represents the number of steps in the object hierarchy 
 * graph.
 * @param srcClass The source class
 * @param destClass The destination class
 * @return The cost of transforming an object
private static float getObjectTransformationCost(Class srcClass, Class destClass) {
    System.out.println("----------- start calculate cost from " + srcClass + " to " + destClass + "------------");

    float cost = 0.0f;
    while (destClass != null && !destClass.equals(srcClass)) {
        System.out.println(srcClass + " and " + destClass + " are " + (destClass.equals(srcClass)? " equal" : " not equal"));
        if (destClass.isInterface() && isAssignmentCompatible(destClass,srcClass)) {
            // slight penalty for interface match. 
            // we still want an exact match to override an interface match, but  
            // an interface match should override anything where we have to get a 
            // superclass.
            cost += 0.25f;

        destClass = destClass.getSuperclass();

     * If the destination class is null, we've travelled all the way up to 
     * an Object match. We'll penalize this by adding 1.5 to the cost.
    if (destClass == null) {
        cost += 1.5f;
    System.out.println("COST IS " + cost);

    return cost;


--- setters:
setData x
setData y
setData y
--- invokeMethod
----------- start calculate cost from class Lolka$DataZ to class Lolka$DataX------------
class Lolka$DataZ and class Lolka$DataX are  not equal
class Lolka$DataZ and class java.lang.Object are  not equal
----------- start calculate cost from class Lolka$DataZ to class Lolka$DataY------------
class Lolka$DataZ and class Lolka$DataY are  not equal
class Lolka$DataZ and class Lolka$DataX are  not equal
class Lolka$DataZ and class java.lang.Object are  not equal
setData x

所以invokeMethode假设转换DataX只是一个继承级别的form Object,而DataY是2。所以DataX-method“更便宜”。这就是背后的逻辑。

UPD: 将 dest 更改为 src 工作正常,所以如果我使用

private static float getObjectTransformationCost(Class srcClass, Class destClass) {
    float cost = 0.0f;
    while (srcClass != null && !destClass.equals(srcClass)) {
        if (destClass.isInterface() && isAssignmentCompatible(destClass,srcClass)) {
            cost += 0.25f;

        srcClass = srcClass.getSuperclass();

    if (srcClass == null) {
        cost += 1.5f;

    return cost;


--- setters:
setData x
setData y
setData y
--- invokeMethod
setData y
于 2012-06-28T10:40:57.763 回答