
昨天我读到了 ECMAScript 5 Object.create() 我想用这个方法开始在我的代码中构建原型链,而不是设置原型及其构造函数,我喜欢你可以直接设置可写可配置等。


function printobject(msg, obj) {
    if (msg) {
        document.write("<b>" + msg + "</b><br>");
    for (var prop in obj) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
            if (obj[prop].toString() !== "[object Object]") {
                document.write(prop + " : " + obj[prop] + "<br>");
            else {
                document.write("<b>" + prop + " : " + obj[prop] + "</b><br>");
                printobject("", obj[prop]);
    if (msg) {
var base = {
    extend: function () { //extend this Object
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
        printobject("Arguments to Extend", args)
        var that = Object.create(this, (args ? args.shift() : {}));
        var arg = args.shift() || {};
        printobject("Copy Properties to New Object", arg);
        for (var prop in arg) {
            that[prop] = arg[prop];
        // Object.freeze(that);       
        return that;
    create: function () { //Creates new instances of the Object
        var that = Object.create(this, {
            extend: {
                value: null,
                writable: false,
                configurable: false
            }, //sets extend and create to null so you cant create a new instance when used create ( use extend instead);
            create: {
                value: null,
                writable: false,
                configurable: false
        that.init.apply(that, arguments); //call init function for the new created object; 
        return that;
    init: function () {
        printobject("No Initfunction supplied for New Object", this);
    } // Empty init function for fallback
var Human = base.extend({
    name: {
        value: "test"
}, {
    init: function (name) {
        alert(name + " has been created");
        this.name = name;
    walk: function () {
        alert(this.name + " walks");
var Human1 = Human.create("test2");
//alert("Human1 - Name:" + Human1.name);
Human.walk = function () {
    alert("Walk has been overwritten")
}; //Object freezed 
Human1.create = function () {
    alert("Overwrite create");
}; //Doesnt exist in created     Object
Human1.create(); ?
  • 中给出的方法是否Human仅在 ram 中存在一次?并Human1.walk()指向它?
  • 我想知道这是否是这样做的正确方法?我对 JavaScript 比较陌生。



首先,这让事情变得更加清晰 =) 但是,1:当我这样做时,实例从其构造函数的原型继承(?)

 Nothing = {};
function base() {
this.inherit = function(constructor) {
    var obj = constructor;
    obj.constructor = constructor;
    obj.prototype = this;
   return obj ;  
base.prototype = Nothing;
base.constructor = base;
var Top = new base();       
var Human = Top.inherit(function(name) {
        this.name = name;
var Paul = new Human("Paul");
alert(Paul instanceof Human); //true `

2:所以 instanceof 运算符不会在此代码中中断,(它仅适用于函数对我来说似乎很清楚)

但是这样写,Paul 仍然从​​ Top 的原型继承了 inherit() 方法,我需要覆盖它但是如果我不希望 Human 的实例继承该方法,我该怎么做呢?

除了使用 Objkect.defineproperty (?) 之外,我无法设置像 wrtable 这样的属性描述符

那么使用 Object.create() 从 Objects 继承与设置原型和构造函数的主要好处是什么?=)


感谢所有的努力 =)




base.prototype = 没有;

这不会阻止原型链向上直到 Object.prototype 吗?如果没有,有没有办法做到这一点?=) 会 ( Object.create(null); ) 这样做,


base.prototype.constructor = base;


var Top = new base();

如果原型设置为 Nothing ->

Top instanceof base // false



var base = {
// a tiny little selfmade prototypical inheritance system
// you are free to add function arguments for extending the created objects
// neither instanceof nor .constructor is featured, because "classes" are no functions
    create: function(extension,desc) {
        // instances inherit from the proto objects
        var newInst = Object.create(this.proto, desc);
        if(this.proto.childExtendable) //if Subclass allows its Children to be Extendible, do so
        if(newInst.init||this.proto.init) //4
        return newInst
    inherit: function(props) {
        // the "class" inherits static methods from the class
        var sub = Object.create(this);
        // and the proto objects inherits from the parent proto
        sub.proto = Object.create(this.proto);
        props.protect = this.protect;
            props.extend = this.extend;
        this.extend.call(sub.proto, props);
        return sub;
    extend: function (props) {
        for (var prop in props) {
            var propmatch = prop.match(/(.*?)__(.{1,5}?)__(.*)/)||["",prop,"",""];
            this[propmatch[1]+propmatch[3]] = props[prop];
    protect: function(prop,flags) { //with each call it toggles the given flags,  so you can protect funcitons given to the inherit function ;; //This should be available to all childs, but adding it to the base.proto, it changes Object.prototyppe ( therefore not a good idea)
        var d  = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, prop);
        if (flags.match(/w/)){
             Ti.API.info("Setting writable for propertie " + prop + " in Object " + this + " to " + !d.writable);
             Object.defineProperty(this, prop, {writable:!d.writable});};
        if (flags.match(/c/)){
            Ti.API.info("Setting configurable for propertie " + prop + "in Object " + this);
            Object.defineProperty(this, prop, {configurable:!d.configurable});};
        if (flags.match(/e/)){
            Ti.API.info("Setting enumerable for propertie " + prop + "in Object " + this);
            Object.defineProperty(this, prop, {configurable:!d.enumerable});};
        if (flags.match(/a/)){
            Ti.API.info("Setting enumerable for propertie " + prop + "in Object " + this);
    init: function() {},
    proto: Object.prototype // or null, if you want

var Human = base.inherit({ //will be put in Human.proto
    init:function() {alert("Humans Init for all Instances")},
    say:function() { alert("Hi, I'm "+this.name); }
Human.proto.name = "default"; // You could use an argument to the inherit function
                              // I just want to make clear what happens
Ti.API.info(Object.getPrototypeOf(Function) + "a");
var paul = Human.create({ //extends this object
    name: "Paul",
    test: function() {alert("test")},
    init__wce__: function() {alert("Pauls Own Init")},
    say__w__ : function() { alert("Hi, I'm" + this.name + "s Own Function")}
paul.name = "Paul";           // and again, the create function might do it for you
paul.say = function() {alert("Pauls say is overwritten")} // define init without __wce__ and it will be overwritten
paul.say(); // -> "Hi, I'm Paul"

但是,jsfiddle 不会运行它,Titanium 会按预期执行所有操作,也许是某种严格模式(??)


1 回答 1




和 Human1.walk() 指向它?

是的。更准确地说, , 的原型Human1Human一个属性“walk”指向它。

我想知道这是否是这样做的正确方法?我对 JavaScript 比较陌生。


  • Human 实例的原型链包括base. 这很奇怪,您需要为每个实例覆盖 create 和 extend 方法。通常的方法是“类”包含一个“原型”属性,它们的实例从该属性继承。
  • 您的模式破坏了instanceof运算符,尽管这可能是一个小问题。
  • 扩展方法令人困惑。它不会扩展对象本身,而是创建一个继承自它的新对象并在其上设置属性和属性描述符。更好地实现同一件事:

base.inherit = function(descs, props) {
    // creates a new object inheriting from this
    var that = Object.create(this, descs); // will even work when undefined
    if (props)
        for (var prop in props)
            that[prop] = props[prop];
    // Object.freeze(that);       
    return that;


base.prototype = Nothing​;
base.constructor = base;


而“构造函数”属性通常是原型属性。它将被所有实例继承,指向它们的构造函数。您只需要在覆盖函数的“原型”属性时显式设置它 - 并且您不应该在函数本身上设置“构造函数”属性。


var base = {
// a tiny little selfmade prototypical inheritance system
// you are free to add function arguments for extending the created objects
// neither instanceof nor .constructor is featured, because "classes" are no functions
    create: function([desc]) {
        // instances inherit from the proto objects
        return Object.create(this.proto, [desc]);
    inherit: function([props]) {
        // the "class" inherits static methods from the class
        var sub = Object.create(this);
        // and the proto objects inherits from the parent proto
        sub.proto = Object.create(this.proto);
        [Object.extend(sub.proto, props);]
        return sub;
    proto: Object.prototype // or null, if you want

var Human = base.inherit();
Human.proto.name = "default"; // You could use an argument to the inherit function
                              // I just want to make clear what happens
Human.proto.say = function() { alert("Hi, I'm "+this.name); };

var paul = Human.create();
paul.name = "Paul";           // and again, the create function might do it for you
paul.say(); // -> "Hi, I'm Paul"

这样,paul继承Human.protobase.protowhich is Object.prototypeor null。并且Human继承自base,即您可以轻松地构建一个“子类” Human.inherit()

是否要使用属性描述符绝对是您的选择。无论您在哪里创建和扩展它,您都可以使用Object.defineProperties(或 的第二个参数Object.create)以及Object.extend(通常的 for-in-copy-method)。

使用 Object.create() 从 Objects 继承与设置原型和构造函数的主要好处是什么?

这是一个设计选择。Object.create不会在构建的对象上调用 [constructor] 函数。有关详细信息,请参阅使用“Object.create”而不是“new”了解 Object.create() 和 new SomeFunction() 之间的区别

base.prototype = {};不会阻止原型链上溯到 Object.prototype 吗?

是的。一个空对象(由您的文字创建)仍然Object.prototype在其链中。做到这一点的唯一方法是Object.create(null)(不能用 shim 填充new)。

我以为我必须设置base.prototype.constructor = base;

在这种情况下不是。拥有一个function base(){...}, 将其“原型”属性设置为{constructor: base}绝对不会改变(除了现在可枚举的“构造函数”) - 每个函数都有这样一个默认原型对象,包括“构造函数”。

所以只有当你需要用一个新对象覆盖“原型”属性时,就像让它从另一个函数的原型继承时发生的那样,你可以添加这个便利属性:MySubClass.prototype = Object.create(MyClass.prototype, {constructor:{value:MySubClass}});



于 2012-06-28T11:24:32.933 回答