我想阅读 RSS 提要的特定行,以使用 Visual C# 在标签中显示信息。下面给出的是 Rss 提要。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0"><channel>
<title>Weather Underground</title>
    <title>Current Conditions : 28C, Mostly Cloudy - 9:10 AM IST Jun. 28</title>
    <description><![CDATA[Temperature: 28&deg;C | Humidity: 79% | Pressure: 1011hPa            (Steady) | Conditions: Mostly Cloudy | Wind Direction: SW | Wind Speed: 15km/h<img src="http://server.as5000.com/AS5000/adserver/image?ID=WUND-00071&C=0" width="0" height="0"  border="0"/>]]>
    <pubDate>Thu, 28 Jun 2012 09:10:00 IST</pubDate>

    <title>Forecast for Wednesday Night as of Jun. 27 5:30 PM IST</title>
    Chance of a Thunderstorm. Low:26 &amp;deg; C.
     <pubDate>Wed, 27 Jun 2012 12:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
     <guid isPermaLink="false">1340798400-1-night</guid>

      <title>Forecast for Thursday as of Jun. 27 5:30 PM IST</title>
        Chance of a Thunderstorm. High:31 &amp;deg; C.//This is the line that I need
      <pubDate>Wed, 27 Jun 2012 12:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
      <guid isPermaLink="false">1340884800-2-day</guid>

这个 XML 文件中有很多 Item 标签,如何引用我需要的标签并获取该描述标签中的文本?


1 回答 1



    var rss = XDocument.Load("your rss file");
    var items = (from c in rss.Descendants("item") select new{
                 Title  = (string)c.Element("description")      

// first description 

    string firstitem= items[0].Title.ToString();
于 2012-06-28T04:54:22.463 回答