3 回答 3

于 2012-06-28T03:54:28.777 回答
$('br', '#grape1, #grape12').remove();​

The second argument in the $ selector allows you to filter your search to a given subset, instead of the entire DOM. In this case we tell jQuery to only look inside the grape1 and grape12 divs. This will match all br's in those div's.


于 2012-06-28T03:55:39.603 回答

If that doesn't work (as happened in my case also) it's probably because the <br> are generated by some scripts after the JS .remove() code execution.

To check if I was right I set a quite long timeout and all my unwanted <br> disappeared after that time. So, in the end I just decided to put a simple CSS

#grape1 br, #grape12 br { display: none; }

and eveybody's happy =)

于 2017-02-08T17:27:31.967 回答