I have three classes Assignment (abstract), CourseAssignment, and StudentAssignment. StudentAssignment and CourseAssignment both inherit from the abstract Assignment class.

I have a complex style where I have reformatted the look and feel of the WPF calendar, but I want assignments to show up in my calendar, so I have created a custom control (call it MyCalendar, which inherits from Calendar, but adds a dependency property (see code below) which allows me to bind an assignment list to the calendar.

public static DependencyProperty AssignmentsProperty =

    public ObservableCollection<Assignment> Assignments
        get {return (ObservableCollection<Assignment>)GetValue(AssignmentsProperty);} 
        set {SetValue(AssignmentsProperty, value); }

Depending on which tab control I place the calendar control, the binding is going to be either to an observable collection of StudentAssignment or CourseAssignment. The calendar shouldn't really care if the assignment list is a CourseAssignment or StudentAssignment list, because all it needs is the due date and description (both properties are in the base abstract class), but herein lies my problem. I am using a IMultiValueConverter to put the assignments onto the correct day

[ValueConversion(typeof(ObservableCollection<Assignment>), typeof(ObservableCollection<Assignment>))]
public class AssignmentConverter : IMultiValueConverter
    public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        DateTime date = (DateTime)values[1];
        ObservableCollection<Assignment> assignments = new ObservableCollection<Assignment>();

        foreach (Assignment assignment in (ObservableCollection<Assignment>)values[0])
            if (assignment.DueDate.Date == date)
        return assignments;

    public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

What is the best way to get my binding to work? I know I want to set the binding to the observable collection, but if I do it in XAML, I get cannot convert from observablecollection(CourseAssignment) to observablecollection(Assignment) error; I need to somehow convert the collection of CourseAssignments to a collection of Assignments before I do the binding, right? What is the best way to do that?


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