This is the problem: I have a MainApp that contains an HelperApp. The Helper app is used for the login items so i need to differentiate MainApp and HelperApp bundle IDs. I copied the HelperApp into MainApp thanks to the BuildPhase Copy. If I Codesign and Sandbox the HelperApp the upload phase stops... with error related to the provisioning profile. If I don't code sign/sandbox the HelperApp the upload works but after 2 minutes I receive an invalid binary" that warns me about the "App sandbox not enabled" on the helper app.

Do you know which is the correct practice to Sandbox and app with Helper app in it? I can't find NOTHING in the documentation!


2 回答 2


我有完全相同的场景:一个包含 HelperApp 的 MainApp,用于在登录时启动 MainApp。

通过确保将XCode 中两个应用程序的代码签名标识设置为“第 3 方 Mac 开发人员应用程序”,“无效二进制 - 未启用应用程序沙箱”问题得到解决。

然后,在提交审核后,我收到了“Waiting for Review”通知,不再出现“无效二进制”错误。

于 2013-04-23T14:50:02.577 回答

您可以尝试删除您的助手应用程序,然后以这种方式再次添加它:在 Xcode 中转到文件,将新文件添加到“您的项目”,然后导入您的助手应用程序。然后,确保它们都具有用于分发的有效配置文件。

于 2012-10-07T15:49:46.700 回答