该脚本的目的是处理文件中的所有单词并输出出现次数最多的所有单词。因此,如果有 3 个单词每个出现 10 次,程序应该输出所有单词。
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
require 5.10.0;
print "Your file: " . $ARGV[0] . "\n";
#Make sure there is only one argument
if ($#ARGV == 0){
#Make sure the argument is actually a file
if (-f $ARGV[0]){
%wordHash = (); #New hash to match words with word counts
$file=$ARGV[0]; #Stores value of argument
open(FILE, $file) or die "File not opened correctly.";
#Process through each line of the file
while (<FILE>){
#Delimits on any non-alphanumeric
$wordSize = @words;
#Put all words to lowercase, removes case sensitivty
for($x=0; $x<$wordSize; $x++){
#Puts each occurence of word into hash
foreach $word(@words){
close FILE;
#$wordHash{$b} <=> $wordHash{$a};
while (($key, $value) = each(%wordHash)){
while (($key, $value) = each(%wordHash)){
if($value==$max && $key ne "s"){
$wordList.=" " . $key;
#Print solution
print "The following words occur the most (" . $max . " times): " . $wordList . "\n";
else {
print "Error. Your argument is not a file.\n";
else {
print "Error. Use exactly one argument.\n";