

tell application "Finder"

set jobNum to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a job number:" default answer "[JobNumber]-[Description]")
set folderpath to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Select client folder")
do shell script "/bin/mkdir -p " & quoted form of folderpath & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum) & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum & "-Links")
do shell script "/bin/mkdir -p " & quoted form of folderpath & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum) & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum & "-PDFs")
do shell script "/bin/mkdir -p " & quoted form of folderpath & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum) & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum & "-Supplied")
do shell script "/bin/mkdir -p " & quoted form of folderpath & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum) & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum & "-Versions")

end tell



7 回答 7


我正在使用 jackjr300 脚本的变体来生成网站文件夹模板/

do shell script "mkdir -p " & (quoted form of (folderpath & jName & "/")) & "{\"codey\",\"js\",\"fonts\",\"images\"}"



于 2014-08-10T10:44:13.053 回答


set TID to AppleScript's text item delimiters

-- Ensure the answer is formatted properly
        set theAnswer to text returned of (display dialog "Please create a job folder, with the name in this format:" default answer "JobNumber-JobCode-ClientDescription")
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-"
        set {jobNum, JobCod, CliDes} to {text item 1 of theAnswer, text item 2 of theAnswer, text item 3 of theAnswer}
        exit repeat
    on error
        display dialog "Please enter your job details in this format [JobNumber]-[JobCode]-[ClientDescription]" buttons {"Cancel", "Try again"} default button "Try again"
    end try
end repeat

set folderpath to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Where to create your project folder?")

set folderNames to {"Links", "Client_input", "SourceBuilds", "Review-Proofs"}
repeat with aName in folderNames
    do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of (folderpath & jobNum & "-" & JobCod & "-" & CliDes & "/" & aName as text)
end repeat

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to TID
于 2013-03-28T11:13:53.683 回答

改进脚本的第一件事就是不要使用 shell 脚本。Shell 脚本就像一个手提钻,但您所做的只需要最小的手持锤。


tell application "Finder"
set jobNum to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a job number:" default answer "[JobNumber]-[Description]")
set folderpath to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Select client folder")
do shell script "/bin/mkdir -p " & quoted form of folderpath & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum) & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum & "-Links")
do shell script "/bin/mkdir -p " & quoted form of folderpath & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum) & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum & "-PDFs")
do shell script "/bin/mkdir -p " & quoted form of folderpath & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum) & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum & "-Supplied")
do shell script "/bin/mkdir -p " & quoted form of folderpath & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum) & "/" & quoted form of (jobNum & "-Versions")
end tell


tell application "Finder"
    set jobNum to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a job number:" default answer "[JobNumber]-[Description]")
    set theClientFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Select client folder")
    set theSubFolderNames to {"Links", "PDFs", "Supplied", "Versions"}
    repeat with theSubFolderName in theSubFolderNames
        make new folder at theClientFolder with properties {name:jobNum & "-" & theSubFolderName}
    end repeat
end tell

请注意,变量“folderpath”已更改为“theClientFolder”,因为选择文件夹不返回路径,它返回所选文件夹的别名对象。告诉 Finder 创建新文件夹的命令是“在 [您希望创建文件夹的别名] 处创建新文件夹”,因此您无需将该别名转换为在其中创建新文件夹的路径。

另请注意,文件夹的名称已被声明为列表中的变量,这使它们更易于阅读或以后更改。即使是不了解 AppleScript 的人也可以打开此脚本并将“PDFs”文件夹的名称更改为“Documents”或类似的名称。

我可以建议的另一个改进是使您从用户那里收集输入的方式更加复杂。除了客户文件夹之外,您似乎还要求提供 2 项信息——工作编号和工作描述——所以使用 2 个对话框,因为这对用户来说更容易并且不易出错,因为你可以给出 2 个实际示例你希望他们输入。您还可以通过几种方式改善这些对话框的外观。并且您可以添加一些错误处理——如果用户取消您正在呈现的对话框,则会产生错误。您可以通过检查用户是否单击“确定”来优雅地处理它们。


tell application "Finder"
    display dialog "Enter a job number:" default answer "100" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK" with title (the name as text) with icon note giving up after 180
    if the button returned of the result is equal to "OK" then
        set theJobNumber to the text returned of the result
        display dialog "Enter a job description:" default answer "Photos" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK" with title (the name as text) with icon note giving up after 180
        if the button returned of the result is equal to "OK" then
            set theJobDescription to the text returned of the result
                choose folder with prompt "Select client folder:" default location (the path to the desktop folder as alias) without multiple selections allowed, invisibles and showing package contents
                set theClientFolder to the result
            on error
                set theClientFolder to ""
            end try
            if theClientFolder is not equal to "" then
                set theSubFolderNames to {"Links", "PDFs", "Supplied", "Versions"}
                repeat with theSubFolderName in theSubFolderNames
                    make new folder at theClientFolder with properties {name:theJobNumber & "-" & theJobDescription & "-" & theSubFolderName}
                end repeat
            end if
        end if
    end if
end tell

这将为您提供顶部显示“Finder”的对话框,并包含 Finder 图标,该图标将在 180 秒后放弃(以防止出现超时错误),并且如果用户在任何时候按下“取消”,它将只优雅地死掉而不会产生任何错误。您可以调整输入对话框的默认答案,以便它们帮助用户输入正确的输入,例如,如果工作编号是 4 位数字,则在此处输入 4 位数字。选择文件夹提示将从显示桌面开始 - 如果有存储所有客户端文件夹的磁盘或文件夹,您可以将其更改为另一个位置:

choose folder with prompt "Select client folder:" default location (disk "Clients" as alias) …

需要明确的是,shell 脚本非常棒,但我建议您只使用“执行 shell 脚本”来获得 UNIX 层的独特功能,例如 PHP 函数、Perl 正则表达式等。Mac 层中已经为您提供的任何内容都将更容易、更安全地使用,并且在 AppleScript 中更易于阅读、编写和维护。尤其是非常基本的事情,比如创建文件夹。

于 2014-08-10T17:35:10.933 回答

mkdir可以创建层次结构,只需将这些名称放在 {} 示例中:'/destFolderPath/jobName/prefix'{"suffix1","suffix2","suffix3","suffix4"}


set jName to my getJobNum()
set folderpath to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Select client folder")
do shell script "mkdir -p " & (quoted form of (folderpath & jName & "/" & jName)) & "{\"-Links\",\"-PDFs\",\"-Supplied\",\"-Versions\"}"

on getJobNum()
    text returned of (display dialog "Enter a job number:" default answer "[JobNumber]-[Description]")
    tell the result to if it is not "" then return it
    getJobNum() -- else text returned is empty
end getJobNum


于 2012-06-27T18:24:33.057 回答


      set TID to AppleScript's text item delimiters

-- Ensure the answer is formatted properly
        set theAnswer to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a job number:" default answer "[JobNumber]-[Description]")
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-"
        set {jobNum, jobDes} to {text item 1 of theAnswer, text item 2 of theAnswer}
        exit repeat
    on error
        display dialog "Please enter your response in this format [JobNumber]-[Description]" buttons {"Cancel", "Try again"} default button "Try again"
    end try
end repeat

set folderpath to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Select client folder")

set folderNames to {"-Links", "-PDFs", "-Supplied", "-Versions"}
repeat with aName in folderNames
    do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of (folderpath & jobNum & "-" & jobDes & "/" & jobNum & "-" & jobDes & aName as text)
end repeat

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to TID
于 2012-06-27T14:12:33.170 回答


property template : "/path/to/template/folder" -- the folder structure to copy from

on run -- example
    set jobNum to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a job number:" default answer "[JobNumber]-[Description]")
    set folderPath to (choose folder with prompt "Select a location for the client folder")
    tell application "Finder" to try
        set clientFolder to (make new folder at folderPath with properties {name:jobNum})
    on error number -48 -- folder already exists
        set clientFolder to (folderPath as text) & jobNum
    end try
    copyFolderStructure_toFolder_withPrefix_(template, clientFolder, jobNum)
end run

to copyFolderStructure_toFolder_withPrefix_(source, destination, additions) -- copy folder structure using mkdir
    set {source, destination} to {source as text, destination as text}
    if source begins with "/" then set source to POSIX file source
    if destination begins with "/" then set destination to POSIX file destination
    set {source, destination} to {source as alias, destination as alias}

    set additions to additions as text
    tell application "Finder" to set theFolders to (folders of entire contents of source) as alias list
    set folderNames to ""

    repeat with someFolder in theFolders -- set up the folder names parameter for the shell script
        set {tempTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, ":"}
        set namePieces to text items of (text ((count (source as text)) + 1) thru -2 of (someFolder as text))
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ("/" & additions)
        set namePieces to space & quoted form of (additions & (namePieces as text))
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tempTID
        set folderNames to folderNames & namePieces
    end repeat
    do shell script "cd " & quoted form of POSIX path of destination & "; mkdir -p" & folderNames
end copyFolderStructure_toFolder_withPrefix_
于 2012-06-27T16:02:04.007 回答


global jobNum
global newJobFolder
set jobNum to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a job number:" default answer "")
set jobName to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a job name:" default answer "")
set jobMgr to text returned of (display dialog "Enter account manager email:" default answer "")
set folderpath to (choose folder with prompt "Select client folder")
set newJobFolder to my newFold(jobNum, jobName, folderpath, jobMgr)

on newFold(theNumber, theName, thefolder, jobMgr)
    set emailAddress to jobMgr
    set emailSubject to theNumber & " -" & theName
    set bodyText to ""
    set emailLinkFileName to theNumber & " -" & theName

    set subNameList to {"Designs", "Documents", "Received"}
    set itemCount to count of subNameList
    set linkBody to "mailto:" & emailAddress & "?subject=" & my 
replace_chars(emailSubject, " ", "%20") & "&body=" & my 
replace_chars(bodyText, " ", "%20")
    tell application "Finder"
        set newJobFolder to (make new folder at thefolder with properties ¬
            {name:theNumber & " " & theName})
        repeat with i from 1 to itemCount
            set aSubFolder to make new folder at newJobFolder with properties {name:jobNum & " " & item i of subNameList}
            set theMailto to make new internet location file to linkBody at aSubFolder with properties {name:emailLinkFileName, name extension:"mailloc"}
            set the name extension of theMailto to "mailloc"
        end repeat
        duplicate file "Users:ace:Dropbox:Company:0000-1_E.xlsx" of startup disk to folder (jobNum & " Documents") of newJobFolder
        set name of the result to jobNum & " E.xlsx"
        set theMailto to make new internet location file to linkBody at newJobFolder with properties {name:emailLinkFileName, name extension:"mailloc"}
        set the name extension of theMailto to "mailloc"
    end tell
end newFold

-- Generic find and replace functionality
on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
    set the item_list to every text item of this_text
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
    set this_text to the item_list as string
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return this_text
end replace_chars
于 2018-02-22T21:40:19.743 回答