
如果您创建超过 1 个包(相同的源/目标),您可以只使用一个包配置文件吗?

-> 假设我使用相同的源/目标创建了 10 个包。我可以只创建一个 XML 包配置并使用该 xml 文件来编辑源和目标的路径吗?还是我需要为每个包创建 1 个包配置文件?

假设您有 50 个包要从开发服务器移动到生产服务器……在这种情况下,我可以在哪里存储包配置文件?

-> 我还没有为任何包创建包配置文件。

->我应该为所有 50 个包创建一个 XML 包配置文件吗?

-> 如果没有,我应该采取什么步骤?

-> 我读到环境变量在这种情况下很有用。


-> 我读到它只允许存储一个属性...我是否必须为源、目标、凭据等创建多个环境变量?

-> 我在 Evn Var 上阅读了本教程,但没有清楚地理解在这种情况下使用环境变量的过程和好处(超过 1 个包,将包从一个环境移动到另一个环境等)。



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You can reuse the same configuration file in multiple SSIS packages .
But you should make sure that you have the same name and the number of connection
manager and variables  defined in all the packages .If you have different names
and numbers   then you have to create different config files .Creating different
config files for each environment is a better option because you just need to change 
the connection string to point to a particular sql server instance but not suitable
for large number of ssis packages .


In case you are going with Enviroment variable then you need to have same config
file for all the SSIS packages .Environment variable should be present in all your 
environments (test ,dev,prod).you need to have permission to create these variables.
Package Configuration file per Package.The problem with environment variable is it 
each variable can store only one property.So if more than one property needs to 
stored then you need to have different variables for it .


于 2012-06-27T05:12:18.320 回答