I'm having a weird issue with an iPad app I'm writing.

I want to add a UIToolbar to my main view controller (set as root view controller in the app delegate). Within this main view controller, I support only landscape orientations. When I set the frame for my toolbar, however, it seems that the ipad still thinks it's in portrait mode! What I mean by this is when I run this line:

[_toolbar setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, [[self view] frame].size.width, 44)];

The width of the toolbar is only 768, rather than 1024, even though the width of the screen at this point is clearly 1024, because the toolbar extends across only 2/3 of the screen. I'm having similar problems with placing subviews, and getting really weird placement on my main view controller.

Has anyone else run into problems like this? If so, how did you fix it? Thanks!


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于 2013-04-22T19:40:54.163 回答