好的,我之前发布了一个不太清楚的问题,所以让我再试一次。我正在尝试将我的网站组织成每批 5 个站点的批次,这些站点都具有不同的 IP 地址。

为此,我必须为每个 url 即时获取 IP,然后将它们(这些站点)组织成每批 5 个站点的批次,每个站点都有自己的唯一 IP 地址。

如果我有多个 IP 地址,它们必须在下一批中显示。


我有一个带有站点和 IP 的数组。


 $List =   explode("\n", $Organize_List);
$IP_Array = array();
      foreach($List as $SIte){
    $Ip = gethostbyname(trim($SIte));
      if(preg_match('/^\d+$/', $Ip[1])){
         $IP_Array[$Ip][] = $SIte.'<br />';


我的问题是如何将它们组织成每批 5 个站点的批次,每个站点都有自己唯一的 IP 地址。


1 回答 1

/* your base data */
$domains = array(/* your data */);

/* a list of domains per ip number, like $domain_by_ip[''] = 'stackoverflow.com' */
$domain_by_ip = array();

/* a list counting number of domains by ip number */
$ip_count = array();

/* a list of domains we faild to fetch ip number for */
$failed = array();

/* loop through all doains */
foreach($domains as $current_domain)
   /* fetch the A record for all domains */
   $current_dns_record = dns_get_record($current_domain, DNS_A);

   /* if there is a dns record */
      /* fetch ip from result */
      $current_ip = $current_dns_record[0]['ip'];

      /* thos row is not needed, but php may triggering a warning oterhwise */
      if(!isset($domain_by_ip[$current_ip])) $domain_by_ip[$current_ip] = array();
      if(!isset$ip_count[$current_ip])) $ip_count[$current_ip] = array();

      /* add domain to the list by ip */
      $domain_by_ip[$current_ip][] = $current_dns_record;

      /* count up the count of domains on this ip */
      /* if there was no dns record, put this domain on the fail list */
      $failed[] = $current_domain;

/* create a list for storing batches */
$batches = array();

/* as long as we have ip-numbers left to use */
   /* create a list for storing current batch */
   $current_batch = array();

   /* sort ip-numbers so we take the ip-numbers whit most domains first */

   /* take the top 5 ip-numbers from the list */
   $current_batch_ip_list = array_slice(array_keys($ip_count), 0, 5);

   /* foreach of thous 5 ip-numbers .. */
   foreach($current_batch_ip_list as $current_ip)
      /* move one domain from the domain by ip list to the current batch */
      $current_batch[] = array_pop($domain_by_ip[$current_ip]);

      /* count down the numbers of domains left for that ip */

      /* if there is no more domains on this ip, remove it from the list */
      if($ip_count[$current_ip] == 0)

   /* add current batch to the list of batches */
   $batches[] = $current_batch;
于 2012-06-26T22:26:58.637 回答