我整天都在尝试编译 Haskell 代码 - 再次 - 涉及 Control.Monad.Writer。这是一个不会从Learn You a Haskell编译的代码示例:
import Control.Monad.Writer
gcd' :: Int -> Int -> Writer [String] Int
gcd' a b
| b == 0 = do
tell ["Finished with " ++ show a]
return a
| otherwise = do
tell [show a ++ " mod " ++ show b ++ " = " ++ show (a `mod` b)]
gcd' b (a `mod` b)
No instance for (Show (Writer [String] Int))
arising from a use of `print'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for (Show (Writer [String] Int))
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
我已经尝试编译我的老师今天编写的代码,也涉及 Control.Monad.Writer,但没有任何效果。
我正在使用 Ubuntu 12.04、gedit 和 GHC 7.4.1。
Learn You a Haskell中的所有 Writer monad 程序都无法编译,我被困住了。