我在包含一些单选按钮的 Struts2 JSP 中有以下表单。页面上还有 2 个其他表单可以正常工作,但这个没有。我已经确定所选的值以某种方式没有被传递,这就是我得到 NullPointerException 的原因,但我无法弄清楚它为什么会发生。谁能帮我?这是我的 JSP 表单。
<s:form action="ProcessPoll3">
<td><b><i>Poll #3</i></b></td>
<td>How many kids do you have?</td>
<td><s:radio name="poll3"
list="#{'1':'0.', '2':'1.', '3':'2.',
'4':'3.', '5':'More than 3.'}" />
<s:submit value="Vote Poll #3" align="left" /></td>
我的 DAO 类被这一行调用(肯定会被调用): String poll3; 私有 HttpServletResponse 响应;
public String getPoll3() {
return poll3;
public void setPoll2(String poll3) {
this.poll3 = poll3;
public String execute() {
Poll3DAO poll3DAO = new Poll3DAO();
if (poll3DAO.tallyVote(poll3).equals("success")) {
// Processing goes on here, not relevant to this problem
这是 DAO 类中的方法,标记了故障点,因为应该传递的参数为空。
public String tallyVote(String vote) {
String successfulWrite;
request = ServletActionContext.getRequest();
SessionFactory sessionFactory = (SessionFactory) request.getSession()
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
try {
// Get previous results
Transaction tx1 = session.beginTransaction();
Query myQuery = session.createQuery("from Poll3");
// Update results
Iterator<Poll3> iterate = myQuery.iterate();
Poll3 poll3 = iterate.next();
// NullPointerException occurs on next line
if (vote.equals("1")) {
poll3.setZero(poll3.getZero() + 1);
} else if (vote.equals("2")) {
poll3.setOne(poll3.getOne() + 1);
} else if (vote.equals("3")) {
poll3.setTwo(poll3.getTwo() + 1);
} else if (vote.equals("4")) {
poll3.setThree(poll3.getThree() + 1);
} else if (vote.equals("5")) {
poll3.setMoreThanThree(poll3.getMoreThanThree() + 1);
// Write new results back to database;
Transaction tx2 = session.beginTransaction();
successfulWrite = "success";
} catch (Exception e) {
successfulWrite = "failure";
return successfulWrite;