I have a C# class in Visual Studios2010 that is referencing a globals class in the same namespace. This project is in a solution with several other projects and will build on its own. When I try to build the entire solution it loses reference to the globals class in its own namespace. The weird thing about this is there is another class also using globals in the same namespace and it works just fine.

Things I have tried:

-Changing the framework to every possible option.

-Deleting the class completely cleaning rebuilding restarting my computer etc.

-Making the project the startup project

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated I’m chasing my tail at this point.


1 回答 1


我的猜测是这是一个语法错误。我今天早些时候遇到了类似的错误,并通过修复上述语法错误(特别是删除了一个流氓右花括号)来解决它。如何测试:语法错误不会在上面传播,所以只需在引用 Globals 类有问题的类的开头写一个方法:

public void testGlobals()
    Globals testglobals = new Globals(); //or whatever other constructor


于 2012-08-30T21:57:39.973 回答