完整的代码复制粘贴在下面。我是 javascript 和 jquery 的新手,不知道为什么会发生以下情况:

假设我http://someurlhere/#1在浏览器 Google Chrome 中的 URL。如果我转到地址栏,只删除1上面 URL 中的数字,键入2并按enter,页面不会导航到带有 的部分id=2。现在,如果我再次进入地址栏并按下回车键,它将导航到带有id=2. 为什么我第一次按下时它不导航enter

我一直在寻找,我认为这可能与hashchange事件有关。我在脚本中添加了最后几行。每当我更改 ID 号时,我都会在控制台中收到一条消息,但上述行为保持不变。有人可以解释为什么第一次按 enter 不起作用,但第二次起作用,我该如何解决?谢谢你。


    <title>Selecting multiple DIV tags with jquery</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./jquery.js">
    <style type="text/css">

            overflow: hidden;
        .slide {
            display: block;
            position: absolute;
            border-style: solid;
            border-width: 1px;
            top: 0px;
            left: 0px;
            height: 95%;
            width: 100%;

    <section class="slide">This is the first div.</section>
    <section class="slide">
        This is the second div.


    <section class="slide">This is the third div.</section>
    <section class="slide">This is the fourth div.</section>
    <section class="slide">This is the fifth div.</section>
    <section class="slide">This is the sixth div.</section>

    <script type="text/javascript">

        // Assign ids to each section in the order they appear.
            $(this).attr('id', index+1);
            $(this).append('<button onClick="nextdiv();">Some div</button>');
            $(this).css('opacity', 0);

        // Check if the current url points to a specific id. If not point
        // it to id = 1, otherwise point it to the id specified in the URL.
        var currenturl = $(location).attr('href');

        var indexhash = currenturl.lastIndexOf('#')

        if (indexhash === -1){
            var newurl = currenturl + '#1';
            window.location.href = newurl;
        else {
            var currentid = currenturl.substring(indexhash, currenturl.length);
            $(currentid).css('opacity', 1);
            window.location.href = currenturl;
            // window.location.assign(currenturl);

        var newurlid = function(){
            var currenturl = $(location).attr('href');
            var indexhash = currenturl.lastIndexOf('#');
            var currentid = currenturl.substring(indexhash+1, currenturl.length);
            var newid = parseInt(currentid, 10) + 1;
            var newurl = currenturl.substring(0,indexhash+1) + newid;
            return {'newurl': newurl, 'newid': newid}

        nextdiv = function(){
            var newid = parseInt(newurlid().newid);
            var selectid = '#' + newid;
            $(this).css('opacity', 0);
            $(selectid).css('opacity', 1);
            window.location.href = newurlid().newurl;

        $(window).bind('hashchange', function() {
                var currenturl = $(location).attr('href');
                window.location.href = currenturl;


1 回答 1


ID 不能是数字,它们需要以字符开头。尝试类似 tab1、tab2、tab3 的方法。


var hashChange = function() {

// Check if the current url points to a specific id. If not point
        // it to id = 1, otherwise point it to the id specified in the URL.
        var currenturl = $(location).attr('href');

        var indexhash = currenturl.lastIndexOf('#')

        if (indexhash === -1){
            var newurl = currenturl + '#1';
            window.location.href = newurl;
        else {
            var currentid = currenturl.substring(indexhash, currenturl.length);
            $(currentid).css('opacity', 1);
            window.location.href = currenturl;
            // window.location.assign(currenturl);

        var newurlid = function(){
            var currenturl = $(location).attr('href');
            var indexhash = currenturl.lastIndexOf('#');
            var currentid = currenturl.substring(indexhash+1, currenturl.length);
            var newid = parseInt(currentid, 10) + 1;
            var newurl = currenturl.substring(0,indexhash+1) + newid;
            return {'newurl': newurl, 'newid': newid}

        nextdiv = function(){
            var newid = parseInt(newurlid().newid);
            var selectid = '#' + newid;
            $(this).css('opacity', 0);
            $(selectid).css('opacity', 1);
            window.location.href = newurlid().newurl;


并在 hashchange 事件和 DOM 准备就绪时调用它,所以基本上

 $(window).bind('hashchange', hashChange);
于 2012-06-26T11:47:48.820 回答