我有一张包含游戏结果的表格。我为每个玩家准备了另一张桌子,显示胜利、失败、平局。我想通过分析游戏表来更新玩家结果表。目前计算是在php中完成的,由于游戏数量导致我们的数据库延迟大约4秒,这通常会导致延迟。我正在考虑将操作移至存储过程以使其更快。任何人都可以推荐一种聪明的方法来计算和后续更新 player_chan_stats。我想完全在 mysql 查询中完成,因为这可能比 php 更快(假设)。
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `temp_game_result` (
`gam_key` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'the game key',
`gam_pla_1` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'player 1',
`gam_pla_2` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'player2',
`gam_to_play` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT 'who started',
`gam_start` datetime NOT NULL,
`gam_stop` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`gam_status` enum('playing','win','draw','lose','error') NOT NULL COMMENT 'result with reference to gam_pla_1',
`mg_cleaned` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0 if it has not passed thru cleanup, 1 otherwise',
`chn_key` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'the tournament the game was for',
PRIMARY KEY (`gam_key`),
KEY `gam_status` (`gam_status`),
KEY `gam_start` (`gam_start`),
KEY `gam_stop` (`gam_stop`),
KEY `mg_cleaned` (`mg_cleaned`),
KEY `gam_pla_1` (`gam_pla_1`),
KEY `gam_pla_2` (`gam_pla_2`),
KEY `chn_key` (`chn_key`)
INSERT INTO `temp_game_result` (`gam_key`, `gam_pla_1`, `gam_pla_2`, `gam_to_play`, `gam_start`, `gam_stop`, `gam_status`, `mg_cleaned`, `chn_key`) VALUES
(1, 1, 2, 2, '2011-05-02 20:12:13', '2011-05-02 20:42:46', 'lose', 1, 1),
(2, 1, 2, 1, '2011-05-02 20:43:00', '2011-05-02 21:55:19', 'error', 1, 1),
(3, 2, 1, 1, '2011-05-03 21:13:18', '2011-05-03 21:14:21', 'win', 1, 1);
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `player_chan_stats` (
`pcs_key` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`pla_key` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`chn_key` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`pcs_seed` int(11) NOT NULL,
`pcs_rank` int(11) NOT NULL,
`pcs_games` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`pcs_wins` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`pcs_losses` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`pcs_draws` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`pcs_key`),
UNIQUE KEY `pla_key_2` (`pla_key`,`chn_key`),
KEY `pla_key` (`pla_key`),
KEY `pcs_seed` (`pcs_seed`),
KEY `pcs_rank` (`pcs_rank`),
KEY `chn_key` (`chn_key`),
KEY `pcs_wins` (`pcs_wins`),
KEY `pcs_losses` (`pcs_losses`),
KEY `pcs_draws` (`pcs_draws`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Stats of player per channel' AUTO_INCREMENT=26354 ;
INSERT INTO `player_chan_stats` (`pcs_key`, `pla_key`, `chn_key`, `pcs_seed`, `pcs_rank`, `pcs_games`, `pcs_wins`, `pcs_losses`, `pcs_draws`) VALUES
(1, 1, 1, 1552, 1844, 325, 146, 176, 3),
(2, 2, 1, 1543, 2272, 93, 48, 43, 2);