var query = { this.searchAttr: this.get("value") }; // this is not entirely accurate
this._fetchHandle = this.store.query(query, options);
this._fetchHandle.then( showResultsFunction );
因此,当您定义选择时,覆盖 _setStoreAttr 以在存储查询 api 中进行更改
dojo.declare('CustomFilteringSelect', [FilteringSelect], {
constructor: function() {
_setStoreAttr: function(store) {
this.inherited(arguments); // allow for comboboxmixin to modify it
// above line eventually calls this._set("store", store);
// so now, 'this' has 'store' set allready
// override here
this.store.query = function(query, options) {
// note that some (Memory) stores has no 'fetch' wrapper
编辑:覆盖 queryEngine 函数而不是查询函数
查看 dojo/store/util 下的文件 SimpleQueryEngine.js。这本质上是从给定查询中过滤接收到的Array
var MyEngine = function(query, options) {
// create our matching query function
switch(typeof query){
throw new Error("Can not query with a " + typeof query);
case "object": case "undefined":
var queryObject = query;
query = function(object){
for(var key in queryObject){
var required = queryObject[key];
if(required && required.test){
return false;
}else if(required != object[key]){
return false;
return true;
case "string":
/// HERE is most likely where you can play with the reqexp matcher.
// named query
throw new Error("No filter function " + query + " was found in store");
query = this[query];
// fall through
case "function":
// fall through
function execute(array){
// execute the whole query, first we filter
var results = arrayUtil.filter(array, query);
// next we sort
if(options && options.sort){
results.sort(function(a, b){
for(var sort, i=0; sort = options.sort[i]; i++){
var aValue = a[sort.attribute];
var bValue = b[sort.attribute];
if (aValue != bValue) {
return !!sort.descending == aValue > bValue ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
// now we paginate
if(options && (options.start || options.count)){
var total = results.length;
results = results.slice(options.start || 0, (options.start || 0) + (options.count || Infinity));
results.total = total;
return results;
execute.matches = query;
return execute;
new Store( { queryEngine: MyEngine });
当在此函数的底部设置 execute.matches 时,发生的情况是,字符串在每个项目上都被调用。每个项目都有一个属性 - Select.searchAttr - 像这样由 RegExp 测试:new RegExp(query).test(item[searchAttr]);
Stpre.data = [
{ id:'WS', name: 'Will F. Smith' },
{ id:'RD', name:'Robert O. Dinero' },
{ id:'CP', name:'Cle O. Patra' }
Select.searchAttr = "name";
Select.value = "Robert Din"; // keyup->autocomplete->query
Select.query 将变为Select.queryExp.replace("${0]", Select.value)
,在您的简单 queryExp 案例中,' Robert Din '.. 这将变得模糊,由您来填写正则表达式,这是开始的内容
query = query.substr(1,query.length-2); // '*' be gone
var words = query.split(" ");
var exp = "";
dojo.forEach(words, function(word, idx) {
// check if last word
var nextWord = words[idx+1] ? words[idx+1] : null;
// postfix 'match-all-but-first-letter-of-nextWord'
exp += word + (nextWord ? "[^" + nextWord[0] + "]*" : "");
// exp should now be "Robert[^D]*Din";
// put back '*'
query = '*' + exp + '*';