我在 Eclipse 中执行的操作似乎有一半打开了一个新的视角,从而掩盖了我创建的精美排列的视角。感觉就像我回到了 1998 年,与所有这些“弹出式观点”作斗争。

有没有办法防止新的透视图在 Eclipse 中自动打开?是否有一个通用设置来控制这个(?)还是我必须更改插件特定设置?


2 回答 2


There are two preference settings that might help your issue (but not completely solve it):

  1. Preferences -> General -> Perspectives: Open the associated perspective when creating a project
  2. Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Perspectives: Open the associated perspective when launching and Open the associated perspective when the application suspends

However, if you turn down the perspective switches, then you might have to manually switch to the Debug perspective while debugging. That switch makes sense to me, as during debugging I seldom want to traverse the code by the package structure but by the types of the variables and the stack trace. In other words, some switching makes sense (to me at least).

于 2012-06-25T22:07:37.413 回答

Team Synchronize 视角切换可以通过Preferences > Team禁用(选项是“Open the associated perspective when...”


于 2012-06-26T02:16:16.267 回答