
I am trying to grab all the id's that are part_number and feed them 1 at a time into my ajax call:

The html for a single item looks like this:

<div class="item">
    <p class="image"><a onmousedown="return SearchSpring.Catalog.intellisuggest(this, 'eJyzNCvJT8thcDRwNDG2NDTXNXR1MdI1sTR21bW0NDDQdXa1cDI2cTE0d3RxY2AwBENjAwZzMyOG9KLMFAC61g1R', 'd1f18f7e3b14f73ded97ff0a97db67a2eb19b128322804efbe2f46bd5fcd3c1f')" href=""><img onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='//d1qhbfo7yqnkif.cloudfront.net/ajax_search/img/missing-image-75x75.gif';" src="//"></a></p>
    <p class="name"><a onmousedown="return SearchSpring.Catalog.intellisuggest(this, 'eJyzNCvJT8thcDRwNDG2NDTXNXR1MdI1sTR21bW0NDDQdXa1cDI2cTE0d3RxY2AwBENjAwZzMyOG9KLMFAC61g1R', 'd1f18f7e3b14f73ded97ff0a97db67a2eb19b128322804efbe2f46bd5fcd3c1f')" href="">VM2327T23A00T</a></p>
    <p class="price">$388.00</p>
         <p id="part_number">VM2327T23A00T</p>

Here is my Jquery that is breaking on the .each line:

var parts = [];
var listPrices = [];
SearchSpring.jQuery('id').each(function () {
//skus = skus.join(',');
    type: "POST",
    url: "RealTimePricing.aspx/GetCustomerPrice",
    data: "{partNumber:' " + parts + "', listPrice: ' " + listPrices + "'}",
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    dataType: "json",
    async: true,
    cache: false,
    success: function (data) {
        for (var id in data) {
            var prices = data[id]['prices'];
            SearchSpring.jQuery('#' + id).text(prices);

Can someone point me to why this is breaking at the each line? Also am I calling the "parts" correctly 1 at a time in the ajax call?


1 回答 1


If what you mean is given this markup:

<p id="part_number">VM2327T23A00T</p>

You want to get the text inside elements with id="part_number", then you should be doing it like this:

$('#part_number').each(function () {
    var text_inside = $(this).text();
    // shove that into an AJAX call

Note, however, that it doesn't make sense to call .each() on an ID selector, because you're supposed to have only one element with any specific ID.

于 2012-06-25T21:38:25.737 回答