


Achievement :
    owner = Alias
    points = int

User :
    achievements = list(Achievement)
    def points() :


  1. 假设所有用户都是诚实的,但他们只是很难以不同的方式衡量。我应该如何标准化点值?AKA 一个用户为每个简单的成就给出 5 分,另一个给出 10 分,我怎样才能将它们标准化为一个值。目标是分数与难度成正比的分布。
  2. 如果一个用户不擅长判断分值,我如何根据获得成就的用户数来判断难度?
  3. 假设用户可以大部分被划分为不相交的组,其中一个用户将成就授予一整套其他用户。这对前两种算法有帮助吗?例如,用户 A 仅向以奇数结尾的用户授予成就,而用户 B 仅向以偶数结尾的用户授予成就。
  4. 如果每个人都是恶意的,我能离让用户无法过度夸大他们的积分值还有多远?


我目前的计划是这样的。我有一个从我那里获得成就的人分配 10 分。如果我总共给 55 人发放了 10 个成就,我的分配是 550。然后根据获得它的人数分配给每个成就。如果分布是[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]获得每项成就的人,那么点值将是[50, 25, 16.6, 12.5, 10, 8.3, 7.1, 6.25, 5.5, 5]



3 回答 3



SELECT AVG(Points) AS user_average, 
STDDEV_POP(Points) AS user_stddev
FROM Achievements WHERE Owner = X


$zscore = ($rating - $user_average) / $user_stddev;


SELECT AVG(Points) AS all_average, 
STDDEV_POP(Points) AS all_stddev 
FROM Achievements


$tscore = $all_average + ($all_stddev * $zscore);

然后使用 t 分数作为成就价值的内部表示。YMMV。:)

于 2009-08-13T00:50:52.660 回答

I think that in your system, as in stackoverflow, digg, slashdot, etc. your basic goals are to

  1. Indentify honest users
  2. Promote their actions

Generally we identify honest users by their actions: those accounts that have existed for a long time on the site and have been vetted by other users, and by you. Stack overflow uses the reputation score for this, slashdot uses karma points.

Once you identify these honest users then you can have their votes count in proportion to the reputation score: the more honest a user seems to be the more we trust his achievements.

Thus, you might give new accounts an initial score of 10. That user can then give any number of achievements he wants but their actual total value will be 10 (like the proportional allocation you suggest). That is, if a new user gives 100 achievements (all worth the same number of points) then each one will be worth .1 points because his score is 10. Then, as that user gets achievements from other users his score increases.

Basically, I'm suggesting you use pagerank, but instead of ranking web pages you are ranking users and instead of hyperlinks the links are achievements given by that user to others.

That's one way to solve this problem. There are many others. It depends on your specific needs. Auctions are always fun. You can have everyone bid on an achievement before it is actually achieved in order to establish the price (score) that the community places on that achievement. You will need to limit the amount of 'money' people have.

于 2009-07-13T20:28:47.063 回答

正确,$rating 是输入,$tscore 是标准化输出。

理想情况下,每个人都会以相同的比例为他们的成就分配分数。愚蠢或微不足道的成就得一分,普通成就得 10 分,真正史诗般的成就得 50 分,等等。但是在分配分数时,人们有非常不同的行为。有些人会非常慷慨,并让每一项成就都物有所值。其他人将严格和准确,认真遵守与成就难度相关的规模。其他人可能认为人们担心积分,并为他们创造的所有成就分配最低价值是愚蠢的。



于 2009-08-15T22:42:54.573 回答